5.Exam And Hero Outfits

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(Y/n) pov
Today was the first day of class or hell whichever you choose,because their was so many good candidates for the school UA made a new class to accommodate.
Class 1-S its just an extension of 1-A so most of the classes are joint with them, our first class with them is in a few days, but today is the first so we can settle in.
"I'll see you two after school then, bye" Touka said leaving for her class.
"See ya" we waved back at her.
Me and Neo finally reached our class and opened the door, and a few old faces and some new ones, I recognised Mitsuri, Kanao,Nezuko.
The rest where people I recognised from the entrance exam and some I didn't.
We took our seats and a teacher came in. "Everyone take your seats, I'm you're homeroom teacher Ms. Yakama but I believe most of you know me by my hero name Midnight the R-rated hero" she said inwearung her tight fitting hero costume. "Today thanks to the ideas of the homeroom teacher of 1-A were going to do quirk evaluations, so everyone please change into your gym uniforms".
After everyone got changed we headed outside first up was a 50 meter dash, when it was my turn I was paired with a white haired girl with a scar over her left green eye.
"I'm Ciri, I look forward to training with you" She said with a wink.
"Thanks Ciri, I'm (y/n) I look forward to that as well good luck"
"Won't need try and keep up". She said then buzzer sounded and I ran, past the line with 6.56 seconds, I looked at hers and it was 0.5!!!!.I stood there flabbergasted. "That was fun" she said joyfully walking off.
"Wha... How.."
Next up was a side jumping, so every time I jumped I created mini forcefield to land on and bounce off, next was the grip test I scored 76.00kg,Mitsuri and a white haired blindfolded broke theirs and a girl with blue whitish haired with a small horn scored 50.00kg.
"Hey, how did you get that score do you think you could train with me"she asked embarrassed
" Sure, the secret is hard work you gotta keep at it so I'll help you if ya need"

Next was a standing long jump a girl with dark blue purple-ish hair just floated over it, the next one a girl with dyed hair used an air brush because it related to her quirk sprayed paint on the ground jumped and the paint blew up sending over the pit not the most gracious landing tho,i jumped and landed face first half way through the sand pit I was getting up when a blonde haired with pink highlights jumped and landed on top off me. "Wohoo, oh sorry about that" she said getting off while her and a girl with black hair helped me up.
"That was quite irresponsible you could have hurt her"
"Oh lighten up she's fine, you are fine right?" I gave them a thumbs up.
Next was sit ups a noticed the black haired and blonde girls I saved during the exam paired up I was paired with the light blue haired slime girl.
"So, you're the one that saved us from getting squished, not that it would effect me a building could crush me and I would just slither out and reform but thanks anyway" she said.
Last but not least was throwing the ball I scored eighty meters, Neo got 50,a small blonde hair got the lowest at 30, the girl with dyed hair sprayed some paint on the ball and got 300 meters although looks like it hurt her hand a little and last was Nezuko who instead grew a little bigger and kicked the ball 400 meters and shurnk back to normal.
Test scores:
15.Gwendolyn(just gonna call her gweny)
(This was hard to think of because some are extremely fast but not strong)
(A few days later)
Today is the joint session with 1-A our teacher for the lesson is All Might were doing close quarters combat heroes vs Villains, which means costume time!!.
(If someone doesn't appear that means they have their actual outfit from their respective show or there outfits are one of the previous pictures like Pyrrah and Ruby).

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