6.USJ And Scarlet's Mistake

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(I 'm taking Bambi out I just can't think how to use her)

(Y/n) pov
Today we were having a normal class day. "Today were picking a class representative and vice rep".Midnight said
"Yay something normal" Most people cheered.
"Were gonna do this through a vote box whoever gets the most will be class rep and second vice rep".
After voting to which I did not participate the class representative was elected to be Momo and vice representative was Krista.

After classes everyone went to lunch having their normal conversations until the alarm sounded and everyone panicked and ran for the exit.
"What's going on?" I asked
"The level 3 alarm has gone off meaning someone has trespassed on the school grounds". A third year said before running off.
"There all cowering for their lives and they are going to be heroes" Scarlet commented
"I know right, cowards" I said before getting up and walking near the exit but everyone was pushing and shoving and I was not going in there'Fuck that, I'm not dying by getting trampled'I thought, I saw the blue haired boy from class 1-A, I think his name was Iida flew on top of the exit door and trying to calm the mob telling them it was just the press.
After that whole fiasco I noticed Aizawa and present mic
speaking about the trespass questioning how they got past.
"How did they get past, those door are to high to climb". After they left I went up to inspect it quickly.
"It's all decayed metal, the press got help from someone and broke the door".
"Perhaps someone used the press to probe UA's defences" Scarlet brought up seemingly interested.
"This is the most you've spoken in a while, where have you been?" I asked her "Why the sudden interest, hell since joining this school you've been quiet"
"Maybe because I don't agree with being here, do you know what they'll do to us if they find out we're a ghoul.Hero or not, they'll probably dissect us" She shot back at me.
"Sigh, you're probably right, but I didn't have a choice it was this or prison and I would definitely starve there"
As much as I hate to admit it she was right, she was right.

(The next day)
After getting off the bus we arrived at the USJ with class 1-A."Hey,hey (y/n) how's it going" Ochako asked me with her bright smile.
'Danm that smile could blind someone'."Yeah,im good how about you"
"Good" she said her smile not faltering in fact getting a bit creepy.
"OK imma go then, k bye" I said leaving

Ochako's pov
'Oh no did I scare her, so stupid you're so stupid' I thought smacking my head.
After that we went inside and we saw a vast amount of simulated scenarios and, oh my god Thirteen!!
It seemed Izuku shared my enthusiasm for seeing the pro hero. She then started to explain what this training was and what USJ stranded for.
Aizawa sensei walked up to Thirteen and whispered something to her. Just then a black portal appeared in the middle of the USJ and out came what looked to be Villains.
"Ohe, Ohe I heard All Might was supposed to be here was there a mistake and after I brought so many people to see him" A amn with blue hair and hands all over him said"Perhaps if we hurt some people he'll show"

"How did they get past the security system, Thirteen protect the students" He shouted
"But even with your quirk you can't take on that many" Izuku yelled after him.
"You can't get through life without a few tricks" he shouted back jumping into battle deactivating people quirks then attacking them.

(Y/n) pov

"You're quirk won't work on us mutant types" one of them shouted before Aizawa punched him in the face sending him flying then wrapping him up with his scarf and tossed him into a few others.
Before we could do anything a black mist appeared behind us. "Pardon me, but we have graciously invited ourselves in to the most prestigious school in the hope to lure out and kill the symb of peace All Might".
It looked like Thirteen was going to attack but before she could Bakugo, Kirishima and Nezuko leaped in to attack him and they failed the mist expanded and surround some of us. Next thing I knew I was falling out the sky and hitting the ground hard.
"Ow, Ow my back I think I broke my back"
"Don't be a drama queen or ill leave you behind" Turns out Raven teleported with me.
"OK, I get it but give me a break I can't float like you" I said to her.
She just rolled her eyes and started walking, I got up and chased after her, once I caught up to her we got attacked by a group of villains.
"Careful these two are supposed to be really strong" One of them warned the rest. Right then Raven floated up and lifted up the villains then slammed together then onto the ground.
"Jesus that's a bit overkill don't you think"
"Not my fault the didn't prepare right"
"I think they tried they knew we were dangerous"
"And like idiots the put us together instead of separating us" Raven said before someone jumped out and use a highbeam like quirk weakening her and then knocked her out by kicking her into the wall.
"That's not gonna work on me" I teleported behind her and pushed her into the wall, before I could finish her I felt something in my midsection.
When I looked down a rock spike went through my back and out between my stomach and chest.
"You kids think your so great with your strong quirks but you're nothing" he said
'No, not here I can't lose....' I thought before falling unconscious.

Scarlet pov
'Your weak (y/n), what would you do without me?' I thought gaining control of her body.
"Just because you're becoming heroes doesn't mean it's all ladi da and raimbows..." I heard one of them said.
I grabbed the piece in midsection and tried breaking it.' I can't teleported with this inside me'
"Hey she's still conscious" they said, I felt another spike go throughy right hand. I activated my kagune and shot some spikes hitting the girl in the eye and the guy in the hand. I broke the front of the spike and ripped myself off the girl bumped into the guy and I used it to my advantage.
I trapped them both in a forcefield and starting slowly making it smaller. "She should use this more offensively" They started screaming until the forcefield turned red and reduced to the size of a basketball.Because I copied Shinobu quirk before, I filled the shield with a corrosive that melted what was left inside. "Because it can do that" I released the shield and a pool of blood was all that was left of them.
Doing that all really drained me"Im so hungry"I noticed Raven laying on the ground. "So delicious looking one bite couldn't hurt, right?". I walked over to Raven knelt down 'She smells so good' I bit into her collarbone enough to draw blood. "So good" I exclaimed , I felt a small pain in my head but ignored it, and continued.

Will Scarlet kill Raven?
Find out next time.

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