10.Today Is The Day

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(Y/n) pov
"Today is the day, today is the day, today is-"
"Neo I get today is the festival you'll make us go blind with that" I told her she's was creating bright neon pink words"Dont exactly know why you're so excited, because.... you have to make a bigger impression for being so small"i said patting her head with a mischievous grin, she then pulled me down to the ground"Ok, ok sorry help me up"she shook her head no instead she jumped on top of me and smushed my cheeks. "Uhggg.. Touka help me"
"You two are too loud, now this is probably the part where I should say we shouldn't draw to much attention but I know that won't work"Touka said
"Why not?" I asked her tossing Neo on the couch
"Main reason you to just seem to attract attention, also your quirk is really strong and the only way I see you losing at least till the end, is you fail on purpose and that's suspicious" she explained to me
"Hell who knows I might lose at the beginning, or lose control or something, plus just because I can copy quirks and its strong doesn't mean I'm good, people have bad quirk but are great, like Mirio look at him he's number one and that's because of skill"
"True but this first years only against us and if I somehow make to the end I won't go easy on you"
"You're gonna compete?"
"Yes, I am I don't hope to win but if I do, then I get the choice to join a hero class, am I get closer to you" she whispered the last part to herself.
After that conversation we had breakfast got dressed and started walking to school on the way I bumped into Miia, Kat, Lilith and some people I didn't recognise.
"(Y/n) - Darling" she said crushing me with a hug"Oh I've missed you"
"Hehe, thanks Miia but we saw eachother the other day, anyway whose your new charming lady friends,"
"Hufh don't even ask how I am" she muttered"Anyway this is Luna, this Maria, and this is Hitomi"she said pointing at each one
"Hello lovely" she said, she had dark blue skin with long light blue hair
"H-Hello"she said, she had a white face with purple tear streaks it looked like makeup but maybe not, with long white hair
"Hi, sexy" she said bluntly, she had pale skin, with short white hair
"Hello as well (y/n)" Kat and Lilith said together
"So, um what are you all doing today?" I asked them
"Were going to the festival to cheer you on of course, darling" she said
"Oh really yay more people watching which means more pressure uugggg" I said 'Ive never done well in big crowds and now I've got atleast a nation watching, yay'
"A grand audience, perfect"
'Huh, Scarlett is that you?'
"....." no response
"Anyway we've gotta go or we'll be late" Touka said grabbing my arm, but Miia's grip tightened"So if could..."she said Neo joined in and pulled
" Um Miia can you let go please I'll be late otherwise"
"Ah, sorry okay, wish you luck darling" she said letting go then we started walking
"Bye, goodbye" they said

Miia pov
"Bye, goodbye" everyone said as they left
"Hey guys why didn't you tell us of such a cutie, I'd love to taste her, not willing to share" Hitomi said licking her lips
"Darling is mine"
"How about we all come to an agreement Miia, we share her after we help you get her" Lilith suggested"It's obvious that we all have a thing for her"
"Fine, but just remember I'm the one sharing her because she's MINE "I said
(Y/n) pov
"Ohhh, I was we could were our hero outfits, not our gym clothes" Mina said disappointed
"Well it would be unfair some people outfit gives them an advantage, like Kaachan and her grande gauntletts" I pointed out
"Hey (y/n) what are going to do won't your quirk rip your uniform, or impede some?" Tsu asked
"Uhuhu, I see, you won't my secret don't you well fine I'll tell you" they all leaned in, I rolled up my sleeves then I grabbed the zipper on my uniform "And tada" I said pulling it down a bit exposing some skin.

Touka pov
"You're sure happy today aren't you" I said
"Well yeah ever since the USJ everything besides getting tricked the other night has been great" she said
"Kero, (y/n) can you help me tie my hair up again, kero" Tsu asked her
"Sure, I can't deny that cute sound" she said leaving to help her, I felt someone tap my shoulder
"Everything great, huh, so she really doesn't know about her blackouts, granted nothing bad happened but something is going on with her"
"True, but let's not worry her with that at least for today agreed" she nodded aswell
(Y/n) pov
"There you Tsu, is that good I'm not the best with hair that's why I keep it short"
"It's fine thanks, kero"
"Hey Izuku, Ochako you ready for this"
"Yeah, just gonna check my phone first" Ochako said leaving
"So um, (Y/n) do you think you'll make it, I think you will, don't know about myself others are-" I covered mouth as she rambled
"All that matters is that you try your best and don't make more enemy's I heard what happened yesterday, try make some friends"
"I don't intend on making friends I intend to win" Todoroki said butting in and staring straight at Midoriya and me.
"Hey, I know its a competition and all , but doesn't mean we have to make enemies, Ice queen" i said

Every girls pov
'Ice cold bitch,(y/n) is wasting her breath on her'

(Y/n) pov
After the whole situation in the lockers everyone line up in an alley that's goes outside'So this is the starting line, pretty cramped, probably the first thing that'll happen'

"Are you ready.." I heard Present Mic yell on the mic"3,2,1 Go"on that everyone ran and quickly got stuck and started pushing to get out, I saw Todoroki ahead and realized what she was doing, I created a grapple hook and jumped putting it in the ceiling just as the entire floor was frozen"Thank got I dodged that"i swung and landed near touka and Neo 'Let's help them by accident, right' "See ya guys" I teleported away enough to get out'That should weakened the ice to some degree'i thought before noticing as Todoroki froze one of those huge robots then ran through, but Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Raven and a blond girl with wings went over it. Ciri and Ruby charged through the bottom so I teleported to the other side and continued running I heard the robot crash on the ground behind me'Cant stop to check, just keep running' I ran into a few small robots but I pushed them away and continued until I got to a giant chasm.
"This were us in the support department get to shoh off" a girl with girl hair and had a bunch of gadgets said before flying straight off the edge.
"Well she's dead" I said before she flew up again thanks to her hover boots'I thought we weren't allowed to use gear'i thought
"Well gotta try hope u can make it, gotta be quick" I jumped off and used Nejire quirk to float up getting halfway there"Uh oh, can't hold it"i fell
"It appears miss (l/n) miscalculated" Present Mic announced.
I created a force field to land on then jumped barely grabbing the edge and pulled myself up"God, I'm gonna throw up, how's Nejire do that? "I said before pushing on
"The last obstacle of the race, THE MINEFIELD, not strong enough to kill but it still hits hard"Mic said Todoroki and Bakugo just blasted through while Izuku was digging the ground?. She then slammed down her shield getting sent flying in the process.
'She used the concusive force to fly, smart girl' I did the same with a forcefield even though I landed pretty badly got I made it in the end. 'Well there goes the first part'

??? Pov
"Hum, interesting she's has multiples quirk and shes fine, Doctor I want you to find out anything you can about this girl, we must see if shes a threat"
"Of course sir, I'll do it at once, come Johhny"

(W):So sorry its taking so long for this chapter and its not the best, the writers block was strong with me
(G) :Excuses, excuses

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