11.Game Over

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(Y/n) pov
"The second round of the UA sports festival first year stage is.. A calvary battle!!!."Midnight announced" Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times as you attend UA. This is what Plus Ultra means. Izuku Midoriya who placed first is worth ten million points"she said as everyone turned to look at her.
'Poor lass everyone gonna go after her, and not join her, should I?'
"I'll now explain the rules, the time limit is fifteen minutes, the team points are divided between each team and must wear headbands, stolen ones must be worn neck up, most importantly even if your band is stolen or you fall you're not out, quirks are of course permitted"
"Hey, hey (y/n) can we join your team please" I turned around and saw Mitsuri and Nezuko with two girls I didn't recognise.
"OK, ok but first who are you two?"
"My name is Awase its nice to meet you I was hoping to join your team" said girl had blue skin and hair

(Timeskip brought by laziness)
"3...2...1 Go" the second those words were said an explosion blew half the stadium apart, killing and injuring multiple people.
"What happened?"
"What's going, help"
"Somebody help" was all that could be heard
"Not the entrance I wanted but it'll do" someone said emerging from the smoke "Just means less to reset to zero" the hooded figure spoke fully emrged from the debris
Getting a better look the only think I could make out was a female body, but besides that nothing the hood was entirely black only a glowing eye"Who are you, what do you want?"I asked her
" Who I am doesn't matter for i am only a servant of my creator, but for what I want I believe I already said that.... Reset everything to zero"
"Ahhhh..." Everyone looked up to see All might soaring in to hit however this was before he connected a barrier appeared before the figure stopping the blow
"How cute, truly the strongest hero has now fallen, but will be born anew" she said as the barrier collapsed, she grabbed All might and.... *poof* he justed dissappeared"Such waste, I wish I had something to really fight"
She killed All Might like he was nothing, it was clear to everyone even the pros this wasn't a villain but something worse. "You'll regret that, you'll pay for that" Deku shouted jumping in to attack the figure but she caught her by the neck.
"I admire your spirit, your fight, but this is my creators wish, so the more you struggle the longer it gets" She said as something left Izuku's and she collapsed onto the ground. "So you can surrender and it will be over quick and painless, or struggle and suffer"
I couldn't move I wanted to fight but I couldn't, nothing responded"Just comply I do not wish to die"
"No I need to help" no matter how much I tried I couldn't move"You're stupid she said she was going to reset everything surrendering will only make it quicker."

(Timeskip brought by the figure pushing through everyone)
" Why.... Why.... Why are you doing this?"I cried as the figure walked over my friends taking them out like they were nothing the only people between me and her were Gweny, Momo, Neo, Raven and Eri.
" You won't touch her you hear me"Raven said readying an attack, the figure created a portal behind and turned her into a raven, next was Eri whose quirk suddenly overloaded turning her into nothing leaving her clothes on the ground.
"They sent you didn't they, what are they bored writing th-" Gwen got interrupted being frozen by ice.
"Stay away from my girl" Momo created a sword and rammed it through the figure
"Really, I mean did you really think after all this that would work, you might want to get that goodbye kiss while you have the chance" Momo quickly let go and tackled me with a kiss.
"(Y/n) I love, the moment I saw I hated how everyone else took you away from me and Im sorry I can only tell you at the end of the line"
"Why are you doing this?" I asked the figure one last time
"Fine, you see my creator has lost interest in this reality, they wish to begin anew, but to do that they need to end this reality, they can't keep two similar worlds at the same time, no one truly die just reborn and now its your time"
"I'm happy I leave this world with you" Momo said going for a last kiss then..... Nothing.

Figure's pov
After ending those two the rest of this reality collapsed, I returned home to be greeted by my creator. "I've finished my task as requested"
"Good now I have a blank slate, to restart next I'll try not to overdo it, now just gotta wait for the comments as long as this reality still exist"

--------So I bet you figured it out but I'm ending this story and restarting it.
The reason is I just I overdid the harem without thinking and kinda destroyed some ideas I had, I know it sucks for it to just end like this.
The story is going to be similar to this one but I'm going with my original ideas instead, and not have as many characters, I'm truly sorry I didn't want to do this but I can't continue without the harem getting in the way of ideas.

"A ghoul hero....!?" Bnha harem x Futa ghoul reader(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now