Episode 6: The Lost Scripts

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Aftermath: Part Two

Ava's bedroom is deathly quiet tonight.

I'm staring at the old television
at the front of the room

seems so much smaller now.

everything else looks
exactly the same -
as if Ava just...

I see her bed covers
with all the stars

~ as numerous
as the freckles
on her skin

the Freddie Mercury poster
still hangs, if a little crooked,
from the wall

& Pea, still by my side. "I don't know if we're gonna find anything here, Renee. Ava hasn't - hadn't - lived here in a long time." She says.

Renee, Ava's Mom,
nods her auburn head.

I can't see her eyes
behind the red frames
of her glasses,
but I know

they must be just as red.

"I understand, guys.
I just want to make sure you
go through everything

before I...

...right now,
I just can't."

"We understand."
I enter the conversation.

"Please. Let us know

my own words
trail off.

"Thank you, Matthias.
She loved you guys,
you know."

It's a statement,
not a question.

"We know."

"Bless you both.
I'm glad you were
able to come."

"Us too." Pea replies, "it was a beautiful service."
as if that can possibly make up for


Renee shuffles from the room,
closes the door.

- silence. -

Idylls: Histories #5: Renee & Arthur

it was their silences.

those were what Renee
would cherish most,
in the years to come.

Not that she didn't
love hearing him

the deep thunder of his bass
rocking through her

a river of calm soothing


it was just -


her auburn hair spread over
the rhythms of his chest,

the fall,
the rise

gazing up into
Arthur's stormy grays -

Renee saw their future
& it was full.

& so was she.

They met when she
was in college:

city girl with paint

from every pore

Art Major,
bespectacled, red frames -

less a bookworm,
more a bookworld;

cities in her head
populated by canvases & canvases
of yearning...

as for Arthur?

the S   K            Y

was his canvas.

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