Episode 16: Ava, When the Walls Fell

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The Lady of Shalott

The last time I saw
Avalon Gates


- we were out
on the sea ~

It was Thanksgiving Break
of my freshman year
in college.

Pea couldn't make it (studying for her Ivy League classes, of course...)

Ava had started working
as a fisher-woman
by the docks
that summer:

so we were out on her boat,
The Lady of Shalott,

enjoying the last few glimmers
of a sunset.

A soft, swift breeze played
between us

& we talked

in low murmurs –

we didn't want to offset the delicate balance;
the steady lapping of water against the hull,
the occasional squawk of a swooping gull.

After my busy semester,
it was perfect.

to have her there with me...?
well, there isn't even a word for

~beyond perfect~

"How's school?" Ava said,

staring out
into the distant depths
of the gradually
drowning sun.

"It's good,
It's good." I repeated.

I'd only been gone
three months

but already

I felt older

(How far
I still had to

& there was
a g  a   p    i     n      g

silence between us

the chasm deepening –
like we didn't


know each other

everything had changed

(nothing had changed!)

I spoke again.

"How's the

"Good." Ava said, simply

once, we'd have talked endlessly...

into the star-freckled night,

but that was once
& this was now.

we were two;
different people

Still friends, of course -

"So." she said.

"So." I replied.

"have you met

"I've met lots of

I knew I was avoiding the

"you know what I

Like a girl!

have you met
a girl?"

Ava, exasperated,
brushed flaming
coils from her eyes

"No." I said, truthfully.

I looked down
at my hands atop my
wheelchair's wheels.

"Well - I hope
one day,
you do."

I already have!

(I thought,
but dared not


"You deserve it,
you know.

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