Episode 15: Behind the Curtain Technicolor

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Paradise Hall

We cross the final
state border
in a driving rain

It is morning.

Darwin, thankfully, is working.

(I mean,
as far as we know -

he's been rolling forward
again, so we take this
as a good


It takes several hours
for the rain
to die down –

it's not noticeable,
at first, but gradually
we can see

thirty –

meters ahead of us

& the scenery begins to change,
no more fields full of corn
or cows -

now great power lines burst
through sodden grass on all sides,
heavy cables running between them
in an endless parade of power

networked as one,
in unison - leading towards
the glittering hive mind that is

Mega City Two.

(or, you know,
it might as well be...)

Pea, foot on the throttle, eyes on the highways;

I'm sitting

(of course)

watching visible beads of sweat trickle down her forehead. Every so often, she wipes them away & shoots me a quick smile.

"We're gonna make it." Pea is manic,
but so am I.

"I know." I say.

I am a true believer.
(I think)

we both are.
(I think)

we have to be.

the story ends at
Tales After The Con.

it just has to.


Tales After The Con:
& we arrive with the sun,

clouds breaking
above our heads
spreading a   p   a    r       t

& away
from each other...

& the first hesitant rays
of warm sunshine
splatter over

streets & streets of nerds:
we've arrived.

if heaven is a place on Earth –
then this is it.

thousands & thousands
of Johnny Colognes, cyborgs,
Mutants -
even a few zombies

all march
in the direction
of the convention center

We park.
I wrangle myself into
my wheelchair

& we join the crowds

traveling further,
we feel the crush of
people intensifying

then the city buildings
open out into a wide
circular area –

loud punk music,

& beyond all this,
glistening in newborn

Tales After The Con's
Convention Hall.

Pea actually kneels, kisses the ground -

we are pilgrims
and this is our Mecca

& we have a mission.

The Convention Hall
kinda reminds me
of a ship


just beyond a dock...

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