Episode 12: Autumn & The Apple

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Autumn of the Dolphins

Fall of Senior Year
blew into Cape Christopher
with a cold, furious vengeance.

People wrapped up warm,
even in September -
their noses red,
their cheeks rosy.

Even so, Doctor and Doctor Farr,
of course,
still took their boat:

The Ansible

out upon the waters
to monitor bottlenose dolphins:

their life's work.

& the first weekend
of that semester –

Pea's folks invited
Ava & I along

which is why,
early one Saturday

we found ourselves
out to sea - furious
dark clouds over
our heads

scouring the murky
depths for perpetual smiles –

at first, we didn't have
a whole lot of

"So," Dr. Farr, Pea's Dad, asked, as we leaned against the side of the boat, our hair blowing all about our faces in the overly enthusiastic wind, "do you guys know what you'd like to do with your future?"

(I know he was
just trying to
make small talk –

but thoughts
concerning the

right then,

was the exact opposite
of small talk.)

"Dad!" Pea groaned, "c'mon, do you have to be such a frikken parent all the time?" I could tell she was embarrassed. Dr. Farr, Pea's mother, joined us, after having checked another portion of the boat for any signs of marine life. "He is your father, so it is physically impossible for him to be anything else." Pea pouted and folded her arms together. Science, sadly, did not have the good graces to be her ally all the time.

"Don't worry
about it.

I don't mind
being asked." Ava said.

It was hard to know
if she was actually
telling the truth.

With Ava, it was
often hard
to tell, especially
around adults.

The Farrs waited patiently for her to answer their question. All any of us could hear was the lazy lapping of the water against The Ansible's hull. It was oddly melodic. An eternal rhythm.

"To be honest,
I have absolutely
no idea.

& I'm OK with that –

cuz isn't that the beauty
of life?"

Ava spread her arms,
palms up in the air
fiery mane dancing
in the autumn breeze.

(that was the beauty
of Ava)

"I suppose you could argue that," Dr. Farr (Pea's Mom) leant back & stared up at the riotous sky, "but if it were me I'd prefer to have a plan. You cannot prove or disprove a hypothesis without the scientific method - and in my view - you cannot live a full and complete life without at least vaguely knowing where you are headed."

"But what about
the dolphins?" Ava said

(& I could tell
she was in the mood
for a good debate.

Pea did too,
I knew
cuz she was busy

burying her face
in her palms.)

"What about them?" Both Dr. Farrs asked simultaneously.

(Like their daughter,
they were always up
for a good debate.)

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