Episode 9: Kobayashi Maru

39 6 116

She Shall Wear Midnight

I remember the moment

I caught sight of Ava
for the first time
on Junior Prom night.

I remember because
it was the moment I realized

I'd made a huge mistake.

But by that point
nothing could be done.

So I did the only thing I could:
I clutched the massive
bouquet of flowers
I'd brought with me

even closer to
my chest.

(I was so damn proud, too,
when I picked those stupid
flowers out at the store -

the roses reminded me
of Ava's hair

the cornucopia of their scents
reminded me

of the cornucopia of words
I yearned to spill over her...)

I sat in front of the gymnasium &
felt proud.

Like an adult
wearing a nice suit.

I'd made it
to the mountaintop.

Maybe it was only
for a few hours, but
for once I wasn't
gonna be

- a leper -

that night,
I was gonna be

- a prince -

Ava made her way
towards me -

but she wasn't

Pea trailed behind.

My heart
fell through
my chest
with the force
of a cartoon

This was not a date.

- leper leper

I was gripped by the sudden urge
to suffocate myself
amongst the roses
still clutched in my

But what would be the point?

Instead I chose to stand
(well, sit) fast & face
the music,

like Dad taught me.

(steady on, stiff upper lip,
Rule Britannia, Chariots
of Fire, etc...

Avalon Gates looked good
in anything,

but that night
she wore a dress

the color of
water lapping
against the beach
at midnight

with an almost ethereal glow
in the gathering sunset.

Ava wore her hair
in a twisting bun
of flame

& deep black mascara
made her

~ storm grays ~

appear like twin moons
piercing the inky paleness
of a freckled night...

Despite my growing

I still found time to be

(It was easy
to be awestruck
around Ava Gates.

I was hardly the only
one, either - other students,
mostly in couples, made their way
towards the double doors of the gym,

but even if the guys
(and a couple dozen girls)
had dates on their arms -

they couldn't help
but turn their heads
to catch just a quick glance
at Avalon Gates,

out the corner
of her eyes.)

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