Episode 10: The Unfurling

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Crossing the Threshold

Two hours later,
I rang Ava Gates' doorbell.

Mrs. Gates answered.

"Oh. Hello, Mattie.
How was the dance?"

She said behind
the vivid red flames
of her glasses.

"Oh, you know..."

(I really hoped
she didn't.)



Is Ava in?"

She and Peregrine
were just about to
watch that show
you all love."

Mrs. Gates moved
aside, to let me pass,

but I hesitated.

"Would - would you mind
getting her for me, please?"
I asked.

I wasn't just gonna
barge in there, after

Mrs. Gates cocked
an auburn eyebrow -

reminding me the apple
hadn't fallen far
from the tree -

but then she disappeared
to get Ava.

I nervously rubbed
my wheelchair's wheels

Avalon Gates
appeared in the doorway.

She'd changed -
her hair down now,
red flannel pajama
pants & a T-shirt,

crossed arms.

"Hi." She said

"Hi." I returned
the greeting.

I could hear crickets
rustling nearby.

Ava looked down
at her bare feet
& leaned against
the door frame.


Does this mean
we're OK?"

She thrummed her toes
along the welcome mat.

"Yeah." I lied.

We weren't,
but we would be.

(I'm English -
we're the poster boys
for suffering alone in
quiet dignity...)

(steady on, stiff upper lip,
Rule Britannia, Chariots
of Fire, etc...

Or so I told

after all,
God had a Plan,


Avalon Gates' radiant
smile could've lit up
twelve multiverses.


She gave me
the dorkiest
thumbs up

I have ever

& my heart nearly
exploded outta my chest.

I sucked in
a shuddering breath.

(steady on, stiff upper lip,
Rule Britannia, Chariots
of Fire, etc...

"So you wanna come in
& watch this finale
with us then?"

Ava opened
the door wider.

"Duh." I said.

(This, at least,
was true.)

I followed Ava
into her room.

Pea was already there. She nodded at me - & for the first time since I'd known her, she gave me a warm smile. Like I'd passed some sort of test or something. I was about to open my mouth to say hello to her when she hissed a "SHHHH!!!" at me & pointed at the flickering TV.

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