Chapter 30: Outgrown

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(Meanwhile in the toy chest)

Mrs. Potato Head: Wait, I can't find my eye.

Hamm: Someone's foot is in my face.

Mr. Potato Head: It's mine! Give it back!

LGMs: You saved our lives! We are eternally grateful!

Mr. Potato Head: Can you three be quiet?

(Woody climbs the chest and opens it)

Woody: What do you guys are doing here?

Rex: We have no clue.

(Buzz shows up with Mrs. Potato Head's other eye)

Buzz: Looking for your eye, Ma'am?

(Buzz puts the other eye into Mrs. Potato Head)

Mrs. Potato Head: Why thank you.

Woody: Okay, guys. I have found out that Andy has become an adult.

(The toys are shocked)

Rex: Wait. Is he gonna keep us?

Woody: I don't know, Rex.

Buzz: According to my calculations, Andy's mom is gonna put us in the attic.

(The toys gasps)

Rex: We gotta do something?

Woody: Don't worry, guys. I'll get Sarge.

(Woody jumps  down from the toy box and find Sarge)

Woody: Hey, Sarge.

Sarge: What is it, Sheriff?

Woody: Andy has been outgrown us and his mom is gonna put us in the attic. You gotta help us?

Sarge: No problem.

(Sarge gets two of his men)

Sarge: Okay, gentlemen. Let's move, move, move!

(Woody and the army men starts looking around the house, then Woody finds a magazine with a daycare on it)

Woody: Hmm... Sunnyside Daycare. Donate your toys today. That's it!

Sarge: What is it?

Woody: I found a daycare center for toys can enjoy.

Sarge: We gotta give to Andy.

(The scene cuts to the living room Woody and Sarge puts the Daycare page on the table)

Army Man 1: This is got to work.

Army Man 2: Yeah.

Sarge: Okay, men. Back to Andy's to room.

(Woody and the army men leaves the scene, then Ms. Davis finds the magazine)

Ms. Davis: Let's see here. Sunnyside Daycare. Donate your toys today.

(Cuts to Andy's toy box)

Mr. Potato Head: Well, that went well.

Rex: He held me! He actually held me!

Hamm: Oh, this is so sad.

Mr. Potato Head: Who we Kidding? The kid's 18 years old.

Slinky: We ain't ever getting played with.

(Woody opens the toy box)

Woody: Guys.

Toys: Woody.

Woody: I found a place where we can be play with.

Rex: What is it?

Hamm: Could it be a local pawn shop?

Woody: No. Anything but that.

Mr. Potato Head: Then what is it then?

Woody: It's Sunnyside Daycare.

Toys: Wow.

Buzz: Good job, Woody. You have finally saved us from the attic.

(Sarge and his men shows up)

Sarge: Mission Accomplish. Now it's for us to leave.

Buzz: Hey, Sarge. What are you doing?

(Sarge and his men climbs up the window)

Sarge: War's over, folks. Me and the boys are moving on.

Buzz: You're leaving us?

Sarge: We done our duty. Andy's grown up.

Army Man 1: Since Andy doesn't need you anymore, you are getting donated to a daycare center.

Buzz: He's rights, guys. We are going to get donated to a daycare.

Woody: This is going to be a change in life.

Sarge: It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.

Army man 2: We'll never forget you.

(Sarge and his men flies out of the window)

Woody: Well, this is it.

(Cuts to Ms. Davis driving to Sunnyside with the toys in a donation box)

Woody: I don't know why some of the good toys got thrown out or donated? We lost Bo Peep, Rocky, Etch, Mr. Shark,  Mr. Mike, and many others.

Buzz: Didn't Andy's mom don'rated Bo Peep, her sheep, and her lamp to those young twin sisters?

Woody: I think so.

RC: Vrooom Vrooom (When will get to daycare?)

Woody: Probably in a few minute.

Wheezy: It's feel great to be play with the children and other toys at daycare.

Mr. Potato Head: I wonder there be any potato toys there?

Rex: Same here. I was hoping to see some dinosaur toys at daycare.

RC: Vrooom Vrooom (Who's got my remote controller)

Ms. Potato Head: I do.

(Ms. Potato Head gets RC's controller out of her tater tush and show it to him)

Ms. Potato Head: Here it is, RC.

RC: Vrooom (Wow.)

Jessie: We are almost there, guys.

(The minivan stops at Sunnyside Daycare, then Ms. Davis takes the box into the daycare)

Woody: Okay, guys. Here we are.

Buzz: I wonder what room we are going to be in?

(The daycare owner takes the box into the room and place it on a table)

Barbie: I don't know why we're here? I just miss molly.

(Barbies starts crying)

Ms. Potato Head: Oh, It's okay, Barbie. You'll be okay.

Mr. Potato Head: So does anyone seen kids yet?

Hamm: Not yet.

Jessie: Look.

Toys: Wow.

Rex: What? What is it?

Woody: What's going on, Rex?

Rex: I can't see.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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