Jon snow x Baratheon reader- calm yourself (pt1)

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It's safe to say that you were more like your father than the rest of your siblings. Your mother would often say that you both had the same booming laugh, rough demeanour and love of hunting and wine.

Though you two were similar, there were still aspects where you were so contrasting that it would lead to terrible arguments. You had recently fell into a heated match of hurtful words after you found out he intended to marry you off to Ned Stark's son, Robb. It had forced the entire travelling party to stop as you tumbled out of the carriage. Red faced, panting and pissed off. The guards did not dare approach you as you marched off the Kings road and past the tree line. Needing as much space away from your father or you may have found yourself a traitor for killing the man yourself.

You soon stopped and sat on a fallen tree, staring at the ground whilst grumbling curses under your breath. Tensions had raised on the journey to Winterfell. It was to be expected when your father, an unstoppable force, was stuck in close quarters with you, an unmovable object.

Once they had let you have time to cool down, your uncle Tyrion had come to bring you back himself. The entire walk back simply him telling you jokes to distract you from the roaring rage that seemed to always burn in the pit of your stomach.

"Who knows, maybe the Northern cold will freeze that fire in you." Tryion jokingly patted your hand and you released a rather unladylike snort. A crease forming between your brows.


A chuckle escaped your uncle, the pair of you finally drawing close to the carriage where your father sternly watched you. "I suppose you're right...just please keep it in check when we meet the Starks."

"Can't make any promises, but I'll let you know before I make heads roll." You smirked down at him before climbing into the carriage and noticed that your father instead opted for a horse of his own. Coward.


Your mother held your hand tightly as the travelling party poured into the courtyard of Winterfell. She glared out the window of the carriage, her grip tightening when it abruptly stopped. You tried to comfort her by stroking your thumb over her knuckles and offered her the gentle smile so few ever got to see.

"Stay here, my love." She muttered before leaving the carriage. You did as she said and pulled your furs tighter around your shoulders. Sniffing with a red tipped nose. It seemed like an age as you listened to your father's voice, waiting for some sort of sign to come out with Myrcella and Tommen in tow.

You flinched as your father yelled, "come out you half witted fool."

It took all your strength not to bite back at him or to not ignore his command. Instead you clenched your teeth together, a muscle in your jaw feathering, and nodded your head with closed eyes. A technique perfected in all the years of being your fathers daughter.

With a drawn out sigh, you poked your head out of the carriage and gracefully climbed out. Hyper aware of all the eyes locked on you. In your mind they were all waiting to witness you make a mistake. But in actuality, they were mesmerised by you entirely. A beauty. The way you held yourself with a certain kind of freedom and dignity, reminded most of a long reigning queen. A fiery spark lit your eyes that never seemed to die in the biting wind. Decorated with minimal amount of jewellery and yet still appeared to be a priceless rarity.

You approached your father and politely curtsied to Ned and Catelyn Stark, before running your intense eyes over their children. One in particular caught your eye. A curly haired boy who was placed behind the line of young Starks. His face set in solemn calmness whilst watching you carefully. And an unseen tether went taught between the pair of you. A connection that even you couldn't place. He shifted his eyes away from you. Handsome...though you knew you would chew him up and break him down if you were to ever converse.

"My daughter is a beauty but has the foul mouth of a soldier. Best to warn your boy before he gets an unpleasant surprise." Your father's introduction made you snap your eyes back to him. Unable to hold back the glare you gave him. "Anyway, take me to your crypt. I wanna pay my respects."


The feast that followed was something you normally would have enjoyed. But you found yourself needing to hit something after suffering through the most awkward conversation between you and Robb. Though he seemed taken by your appearance and you could appreciate his handsomeness, it seemed that you weren't the most compatible when the pair of you opened your damned mouths.

A chill clawed down your back as you shivered in the cold. The temperature plummeted further by the darkness of night. Yet it wasn't enough to send you back inside, and instead you clutched a sword in your hand and marched to where you remembered seeing some training dummies. You stopped mid-step when you saw that solemn boy from before, Jon Snow you had found out from Robb, and your drunken uncle.

When spotted, Tyrion excused himself quickly and passed by you. Only stopping to whisper, "don't be too harsh on him, I like this one."

You merely rolled your eyes before approaching Jon, crossing your arms as you looked him up and down, "training dummies, I need to hit something."

"Uh...right here, my lady." He muttered whilst gesturing to the one thing you were truly glad to see. You pushed past him and took a stance. Eyes narrowing on the lifeless thing. You hacked away at it, each blow sending a wave of incredible release through you. One hit for your father. Another for the damn arranged marriage. A third hit for that soul sucking conversation.

Jon cleared his throat, a few steps away from you, and you glared menacingly at him. "What?"

"Your stance is wrong."

"No it's not."

"I'm sorry, my lady, but anyone could easily knock you off your feet like that." He dared a step closer and for the first time ever, you had no urge to snap at him. To remind him to keep his distance. That unseen tether between you tightened. "Would you allow me to show you?"

You carefully thought through his offer before you nodded. Your guard dropping enough for him to take that final step towards you and place his hands on your hips. Adjusting them to turn slightly. Your heart hammered in anticipation. Stomach flipping. And that fire inside you died into a meek flicker. His chest was pressed against your back, his warm breath fanning against the top of your head, as he used his feet to slide your own into a more sturdy position. Then he slowly ran his hand down your sword arm, changing the angle you held the blade, whilst his warmth seeped into you.

His deep voice, that he quietly directed into your ear, sent a shiver through your body, "you need to calm yourself. A clear head will always ensure it remains on your shoulders."

"I am calm!" You barked, though your tone was weaker than it had ever been before. His hands lingered on you as he stared at you over your shoulder. His face unreadable. You dropped the sword and twisted on your heel, coming face to face with him. "I just-" Those eyes of his bore deep into you as they trailed from your eyes and down to your lips and that damn tether snapped "-I just...oh seven hells you're handsome."

A smirk quirked at the corner of his lips and you couldn't help but lean into him, head angled up to watch him.

"Does this mean I can finally say I think you're the most beautiful woman in all the seven kingdoms?"

"No...But do continue." You joked and waited for him to just kiss you. But when he seemed to hesitate, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him to your lips. The kiss was exhilarating and though he seemed a little inexperienced, your head still went light and all thoughts escaped you.

You both knew this shouldn't be happening. He was a bastard and you were royalty. You were promised to another man and yet he still came back for more when you separated for a moment. But in that moment, you didn't care about any of it and instead allowed him to be the first man to never be burnt by your fiery nature.

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