Jaime x Reader- Is there room for me?

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Jaime watched the throne room burst with life. People drinking and eating. Dancing and chatting. Kissing and rushing off to more private areas. All while he sat at the head table with a stormy expression and it was all because you were in the middle of it all.

He had never seen you smile so brightly before. It only made his mood worse as it was a complete stranger who brought it out of you as the pair of you danced to the music. Moving as one. A handsome couple to the outside eye and Jaime had dreaded the fact that he held no claim over you.

Childhood friends. That's all you were and yet he had always wanted to be more. Whether you wanted the same was a mystery to him. Especially when you were so often distracted by men, and sometimes women, vying for your hand in marriage.

A prize in court. From a rich house with fertile lands and strong bonds to nearly all houses of Westeros through trade. A mind both clever and charming, with a quick witted tongue to match.

Jaime gripped his chair when the song came to an end and your dance partner reluctantly peeled away from you to place a kiss on your hand. He could see the suitors lips moving to form words past a smirk and you giggled at whatever the fool said.

Another song picked up. The man straightened his back and gestured his head in the direction of the dance floor. Another invitation.

Unable to watch you dance with the same man more than once, Jamie sprung up from his chair and marched your way. He tried to put on a carefree smile as he got close enough to finally hear your sweet voice.

You turned to Jaime startled, "oh! Jaime, I didn't see you approach."

"Even as children you were easy to sneak up on." He chuckled and stepped in between you and the stranger. Ignoring the slight surprised bumbling behind him. "Though I can't blame you entirely. I have always been light on my feet in both life and...in dance."

"I wouldn't say you're light whilst dancing." The giggle that came from you was heavenly. "Last time I dared to dance with you, I ended up with bruised feet."

"Point taken." Holding out a hand to you, Jamie held his breath as he expected a rejection. That maybe you enjoyed your time with the other man. But your delicate fingers ran along the palm of his hand before wrapping around it and he breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He led you to the middle of the dancing crowd. Casting a victorious smirk over his shoulder and directed at the man you had spent your evening with. The look of frustration made it all the more sweeter.

You chose him over another.

As the pair of you danced along to the music, Jamie stared wistfully at your smiling face. So full of life. He could watch you all day if he had the chance.

"You've gotten better." You murmured in his ear and Jaime couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down his spine.

He flashed you a lopsided grin when you pulled back, "maybe I've been practising?"

"Jaime Lannister choosing to practise dancing over sparing? I don't believe you." The teasing tone made his heart race as he unknowingly guided you both towards the edge of the hall, before the song finished. He did not waste any time and kept a hold of your hand. Taking you out onto an empty balcony. Just you and him under the silvery glow of moonlight.

You looked around, brow furrowed slightly and even that was a beautiful sight to him. Jaime leaned against the stone parapet. Patting a spot next to him and you settled by his side. The proximity near maddening as he wished to just be free to touch you and hold you close whenever he felt like it. And he wanted to more than he'd like to admit.

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