Sandor x Lannister reader- The Lion who could not roar

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Everyone had heard the tale of the Lion who could not roar. A young girl that had been born mute and many look back on your birth and whisper it was an omen. You came before Tyrion and some would say that you foretold the silence that would take your mother if she were to bare a child once more.

Such speculation made many avoid you at Lannisport and at court. Though it was all stupid superstition that held no merit in factual reality. A rumoured fable that was only created by gossips. But what could you do? There was little chance of undoing years of whispers, so you just learned to enjoy your own company.

You used your time alone to read book after book as you enjoyed the feeling of having a voice in your mind and, though you'd never admit it, putting yourself in the story like a brave and outspoken heroine.

During a day when summer rain pattered against the windows of the Red Keep, you tucked yourself away in the corner of the Keep's library. A book in one hand and a drink in the other. You were completely lost amongst the words that painted picturesque landscapes. Captured to the point where you did not notice the two individuals that entered the Library.

That was until you heard a familiar feminine voice sigh, "you will always find her somewhere in the Library."

There was a quick grunt in response and you closed your book loud so they knew you were around. You stood when you heard the shuffling of feet. Coming face to face with Cersei and a large man you hadn't seen before.

Though he bore a gruesome scar on his face, you thought he had handsome features. Especially his dark eyes.

You shook yourself out of your thoughts and flashed your sister a questioning look. She waved a hand towards the stranger. "This is Sandor Clegane, he has been sent to be your shield."

This was a first. You knew that House Clegane had sworn loyalty to your family, but you thought they'd send someone to protect Cersei as she was older and seen more in the public eye. And though you were confused, you offered Sandor a soft smile and held out your hand for him to shake.

Sandor looked between your face and your hand. His movements unsure as he gripped your hand with surprising gentleness and shook it.

Your sister seemed pleased by the greeting and turned to fully face your new personal guard. "Lady (y/n) is mute so you will have to keep an eye on her at all times. If you lose her then I will personally see to it that you lose your eyes."

The icy look she gave him could freeze oceans. It was enough for you to take pity on the poor man and stepped between them to hand over your book to Sandor. He didn't let much on apart from the frown line that formed between his brows. You silently beckoned him to follow and began to pile book after book in his arms. Which dragged him away from Cersei, who watched for a moment and eventually left the library.

When you had gathered all the books you wanted, you happily glided out of the dusty room. Your destination in mind was the safety of your chambers. Another spot you preferred.

While you walked along a couple of paces ahead, Sandor watched you with interest. He heard stories of you and because of them he had a picture in his mind of what you'd look like. The way people described you made him think of a creature that was hunched over in a dark corner. Large unblinking eyes that only sought out those soon to die.

But you just looked...normal. Beautiful to be in fact, though he would never say it out loud. When you had first smiled at him he swore he could feel genuine kindness in your nature. Just a gentle girl being targeted by those who did not deem you normal.

The pair of you rounded a corner and you nearly ran into a servant. She was quick to apologise until she laid her eyes on you. Her face blanched. A loud gasp escaped from her open mouth. You tried to smile at her and yet she ran before she could see it.

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