Targaryen madness- The final moment

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Darkness had settled across the lands of Westeros and the moon shone its light in all its splendour upon the sleeping people. A soft ray of muted moonlight beamed through the window of your chambers. Where you lay in bed, tossing and turning. Your face twisted in despair as beads of sweat formed on your brow.

Nightmares began to hound you in your sleep. Dark tales of roaring flames and blood raining down from the abyss above you. Leaving you drenched as you tipped your head up to the sky. Eyes closed and lips stretched into a grin. A cacophony of sounds surrounded you. Sounds of children giggling. Of songs that you just barely remembered being sung to you by your mother. And the dreaded grating noise of the voice that would speak to you during battle.

It had never formed words before. Just mindless incoherent chattering. That was until you heard it in your nightmare. With a voice much like shrieking ice or the shrill scraping of steel, it spoke to you. "Burn them all."

It repeated it over and over again. You covered your ears as the dreamworld shook. It got louder and louder. Until it reached a mighty and thunderous roar, "BURN THEM ALL."

You woke up with a start. Gasping and panting and sweating. Your entire body trembled as you pulled your knees up to your chest. Tears falling from frightened eyes. Sobs ripping through you.

You didn't want to be like this. You wanted to be normal and unburdened. Why did the gods have to flip that coin to see if you'd be as mad as most of your predecessors? Why did it fall on the side of madness?

All throughout the years, you had fought it. But each time you pushed it down it came back stronger and more violent before. But you were determined not to become like your father.

The mad king, his people so affectionately named him.

You calmed yourself with deep breaths and fidgeted in bed. Your eyes adjusting to the dark enough for you to see the familiar surroundings of your room.

It felt too claustrophobic. You had to get out and breathe fresh air. So you scrambled out of bed and dressed yourself. Wrapping a warm fur lined cloak over your shoulders.

Not a single soul saw you leave your chambers and slip outside to walk along the cliffs of Dragonstone. The salt air fresh. The gales formed amongst the waves whipped at your hair.

Crashing waves drowned out the voices during your stroll and you enjoyed the silent solitude. As for the first time since you were a child, you felt like you truly were alone. Not accompanied by the voice nor those who kept a wary watch over you.

That was until you saw Tyrion ahead of you.

You immediately spotted him before he saw you and you didn't try to hide or avoid him. Instead you locked your eyes on him, continuing forward, until he noticed you.

He tried to hide the fact that he was startled by your sudden appearance and showed you a charming smile. "Ah, lady (y/n). Out for a late night stroll I see."

"Why else would I be out here?"

"To spend more time in my charming company?"

"Granted you are charming, Lord Tyrion—" you pulled your cloak tighter around yourself and circled the Lannister. He barely could keep still under your intense and unpredictable attention "—but charming men tend to lie more than necessary and I hate liars."

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