Robb x Reader- Like father like son (pt 1)

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An Alternative universe where Robb wins the war.

Rain pattered against the windows. A soft drizzle that tried to calm your rampant heart and scattered nerves. You got out of bed during the darkest hours of night. Trying to keep quiet as you dressed yourself and found your sack of belongings you had stashed away. There was not a single passing second where you didn't need to glance back at your bed. To the spot where Robb lay asleep. 

Though you could not see him in the dark you could picture his face. During the last moments you shared together, Robb had no idea that you branded his face into memory. That each adoring gaze you laid on him was you scared to ever forget the visage of the man you loved most. 

Pulling on your fur lined cloak, you felt a lump form in your throat. Your chest tightening as you cast one final look his way. Listening to the steady rhythm of his soft breathing. Each throb of your aching heart broke down your resolve. Soon you'd drop everything and return to bed. But this was what was best.

You were carrying the future Lord of Winterfell's child and had not told a single person. As soon as you noticed the changes in your body, your heart sunk. Though you both cared for one another you knew your place. Robb would have to marry a high born woman. Someone from one of the great houses. You, a lower born noble, would marry a knight or a bannerman. 

This was just not meant to be. 

You reached the door and stopped to whisper over your shoulder, "I'll keep our child safe I swear it." 


Braavos was your sanctuary. The smell of salt clung to the air and every day you'd inhaled it during the quiet hours of morning. Standing by the docks as if you could look past the large distance of ocean to the shivering cold of the North. It always made you reminisce of a man who had no clue he had a son that looked exactly like him. 

Your child clung to you as you placed him on your hip and cooed happily. Each day, after your downtime on the docks, you walk through the market to gather information on the war over the Iron Throne. You had almost dropped to your knees when you had first heard Robb declared war against the Lannisters. A dangerous move that left you fearing for his life.

You sauntered through the market. Some men and women smiled and greeted you. Yours and your sons face becoming an expected sight every day. It was after you greeted yet another local that you spotted a man who appeared to be a captain and you made a bee line straight to him. 

"Excuse me?" You tapped his shoulder with your free hand.

He turned with a brow quirked. Eyes flicking between you and your child. "Look I've got no money on me right now. Go bother someone else." 

"I just want to have a quick conversation, if you don't mind." With a stern look, you pulled out a coin purse that was nearly overflowing with gold. "Or shall I find myself a nicer fellow?" 

Lips pressed together, he listened to the clunking of gold. "Fine, come with me." The captain reached for the purse and yet grabbed at air as you pulled it away tutting. He simply huffed and led you over to a small shaded nook in the market. Gesturing you to sit down at a round table. 

Once the pair of you settled down, he ordered ale for you both and a small glass of milk for you son. "Now what would you like to know?" 

"How goes the war?" Maybe you seemed a little too eager as you leaned forwards. Eyes wide and earnest. It made the captain shift back in his seat. Too focused on you to notice your son pulling off a loose button from his fine jacket. 

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