Chapter 11: The Aftermath

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Hi and as always:

y/n = your name

y/l/n = your last name




Your alarm buzzes on your table and you dig your head further into your pillow.  You reach over to slap it but instead, you end up pushing it off the nightstand. You groan, pushing yourself up from your bed.  You stand up, stretch, and turn off the alarm.  You look in the mirror at your tired eyes and messy hair. 

You grab Billy's jacket from your chair and toss it over your arm before rummaging through your closet.


You practically run down the halls to make it to math class while trying not to drop your books.  You shuffle through the open door but stop short because Billy and Steve are standing at the front of the class.

"Ah, just in time." Mr. Manzara gives you a warm and wrinkled smile.  Billy, Steve, and the rest of the class glance at you. Though, Steve does a double-take and eyes Billy's jacket, which you now wear comfortably. "And for you." Mr. Manzara says, handing you a stack of paper.

You sit down and shove the crisp papers into a folder.  You look to Billy, who can't help but stare at you.  Now having your attention, he bites the side of his lip and you can't stifle a giggle. You shake your head at him and turn back to the front of the class.  Steve looks back at you from across the class. You didn't see it until now, but one half of his face looks like it went through a blender.  You stare at Steve, dumbfounded. He makes a tear motion with his finger and turns around.


After all your morning classes, you walk behind the school to get to the parking lot.  While walking past the track, you get yanked into an alleyway between two of the school's buildings.  Steve lets go of your arm and crosses his arms.

"What the hell, Steve?" You turn to walk away but Steve runs in front of you, cutting you off. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What the hell's wrong with you?" Steve's brows furrow, making the swollen side of his face look puffy.

"What do you mean?" You try to get around Steve but he steps in front of you again.

"You know exactly what I mean." Steve points to his bruises. "Billy didn't walk himself home."

"And so what if he didn't? I was looking for my damn brother, Steve.  What was I supposed to do? Leave him there to suffer?" You raise your voice to a yell.

"Oh, and then you and 'Prince Charming', you what? Spent the night together? Went on a date together?" Steve's eyes fill with a newfound fury as he focuses on your "new" jacket.

"It's none of your business what we do.  Why do you care if we're together?" You try to step away, but Steve cuts you off again.

"He's a bad person." Steve gestures to his bruised face again. "Did you know he almost beat the shit out of Lucas? And he almost killed me, for God's sake."

You're about to argue back to Steve when a familiar voice fills the alleyway. "Is there a problem here?" Billy tosses the remnants of a cigarette onto the ground.

"Yeah, there is. You've been screwing around with y/n." Steve turns around and gets into Billy's face.

"And so what?" Billy grumbles, his hands clenching into fists.

"You're no good for her." Steve brushes his hair back. "You're just good at hurting people."

Billy suddenly shoves Steve backward into the alleyway. Steve, barely avoiding you, manages to catch his balance.  Steve winds up to lunge at Billy, but you get in-between them.

The Strangest Thing: Billy Hargrove x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now