Chapter 2

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"I guess we have to tell the kids" said Hopper
"Yeah I'm nervous about this part"
"It'll be fine I'll call Jonathan and Kali and tell them to come hope as soon as they can"

Joyce sat down at the table. She was so scared on what the kids would do when they found out. She thought the girls would be fine as they always seem to smile when they see a baby at the store or in the park. She hoped Will would be okay to, it would be good to have something else on his mind other than The Upside Down. However, what scared her most was Jonathan's reaction, he's so much older now and Joyce hoped that he'd understand. But what if he doesn't she thought. What if none of them do and all the kids hate me, Hopper and the baby. Her mind led from one thought to another and all of a sudden she was crying again. Sad tears this time. "What if the kids all hate the baby" she asked Hopper, still crying.
"They won't" he replied kissing her on the forehead and making her sit on his lap.
"Look, this is all a bad idea, let's not keep the baby, it'll be for the best" she sobbed
Hopper hugged her tightly "Joyce, it will all be fine, the kids will love the new addition to the family, everyone will be so much happier. You have to keep the baby, your life will be so great if you do"
"But what if it's not Hop, what if it's not, life will be different and I don't think I could handle it. And anyway, I'm not exactly young anymore am I, I could die giving birth to this baby, the baby could die..."
"Shhhhh shhhhh, calm down, you are healthy and I promise you, I will go to the end of the world to save you if anything does happen. So, what do you say, Joyce Hopper, will you have my baby?"
"Yes, of course"
More happy tears come as Jonathan and Kali walk into the house. El, Will and Lydia come out of their rooms. "Is everything as right Mom? We heard crying" asked Will with a nervous look on his face.
"Yeah Mom, you look like shit" Kali chimed in
"Everything's fine, actually everything's better than fine, everyone sit down we have something to tell you"

As the kids sat down Joyce looked up at Hopper, he was smiling like he didn't have a care in the world. She hadn't seen him this happy in a long time.

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