Chapter 6

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Joyce woke up with Hopper's arm around her, having him there was comforting, sometimes it was hard to remember life without him being there. Hopper butterfly kissed her neck, slowly moving down her body until he got to her stomach. She was 4 months pregnant and just starting to show, Hopper loved it and said it was beautiful but Joyce hated seeing a bump there, knowing it would get bigger. The only thing she was grateful for in this pregnancy was having hardly any morning sickness. When she was pregnant with the boys, she could never stop puking into the toilet, but now it was all under control, and she had only felt ill around ten times.
"Do you want a boy or a girl?"
"Not sure, I don't really mind I will love this baby whatever"
"Goddam it Hop, stop making me cry!"
"That wasn't even sad!"
"Hey, you know whenever you tell me how much you love and will love the baby, it makes me tear up"
"Joyce? Would you want another baby?"
"Well... I would if I were a bit younger and Jonathan and Nancy weren't thinking about starting a family."
"They what"
"You didn't know! I told Jonathan to tell you about they proposal and family"
"He told me about the proposal, I even helped him prepare"
"Wait, soooooo.... he's going for it!"
"Yeah, he's taking her on a walk right now and he's gonna ask her when they get to the park. He's got El, Erica and Lydia to dress up in flower girl outfits and he even managed to get Will, Lucas and Mike in tuxedos."
"Do you think she's gonna say yes?"
"Shit Joyce, have you seen how happy they are together?"
"I know, I just want it to go well for my boy"
"It's gonna be so fucking amazing, Joyce"

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