Chapter 9

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Joyce had just come home after dropping Lydia and El off at Erica's birthday party. She was feeling boiling hot in the summer sun. She had just got in the house and sat down on her bed when she felt water trickling down her left leg, at first she thought she had peed herself, but then she realised, "JIM HOPPER GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"
"Why what's wrong, are you ok? Are the babies ok?"
"Hop, my water broke"
"We need to get you to a hospital, have you had any contractions yet?"
"Little ones, they weren't that ba- ahhhhh!!"
"Alright, we need to go now Joyce, I'll call Jonathan and Nancy to tell them to pick the girls up and come to the hospital, oh and I'll tell him to get Kali from the mall as well"
Will hears his moms screams and peers round the bedroom door looking anxiously at Joyce. "Are you all right mom?" he asked genuinely worried for her.
"I've gone into labour, can you get the hospital bag sweetie?"
Will runs off to go and find the bag and get himself a snack. Hopper goes to the phone to make the calls that he needs to. Joyce is left on her own in the bedroom hoping that everything will be alright.
"Ahhhhh!! Fuck Hop, it hurts, it bloody hurts!!" she screamed
"Calm, breathe, that's it, ok, I'm gonna need you to stand so we can go to the hospital"
"Fine" Joyce tries to stand up but when she does she falls back down in pain.
"Ahhhhh!!! God. I can't. Th.. the pain. Its too much. I ca- ahhhhhhhh!!! I can't d.. do it."

Will comes into the room announcing that he's gonna wait in the front of the truck so his mom can lay in the back. Hopper realises that by staying here they are putting the babies in even more danger. He carefully picks Joyce up in a gentle manner and transfers her to the back of the truck, where she lies down with her feet pushing against the door.

(At Erica's birthday party)

Nancy runs into the back garden where the party is going on.
"El, Lydia, we gotta go, your mom has gone into labour and we're all going to the hospital, come on!"
The girls ran out of the party shouting happy birthday and goodbye as they did. They were both so excited to finally meet their new brother and sister. They had to stop at the mall to get Kali but as soon as they did they were on their way to support their mom.

(At the hospital)

"Ahhhhh!! Hop, I can't fucking do this it hurts way too bad. Ahhhhhhh!!!
"Joyce I believe in you, and after this day we will have a lifetime of happiness"
"Ahhhhh!! Hop somethings wrong, when I did this with the boys, it just felt different, my gut says there's something wrong, please go and get a doctor" sobbed Joyce
A minute later Hopper enters the room with the doctor and she examines Joyce and does a sonogram.
"Joyce, I think we're going to have to do an emergency c-section"
"Why what's wrought with the twins? Will they survive?"
"They are tangled in the umbilical cord but we will have to start the operation right now if you want the babies to live"
"Ok, is my husband still okay to be with me?"
"I'm sorry but no, sir, can you wait outside?"
"Yeah, sure" said Hopper, devastated that he wouldn't be able to witness the birth of his children. He squeezed Joyce's hand and kissed her softly on the lips.
"I'll be right outside the door" he whispered into her ear
"I want you here" she cried into his shoulder
"I know"
And before they both knew it, Joyce was being wheeled into the operating room, away from her husband and her kids.
"Have they been born yet?" asked Jonathan
"No" responded Hopper "There were some complications and she's having an emergency c-section right now"
"Is mom gonna die?" said Lydia
Hopper didn't want to lie to his daughter as he knew there would be a possibility that Joyce would not make it through the operation. So all he said was:
"The doctors are going to try and keep mom safe while she's having the babies"

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