Chapter 7

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Joyce was five months pregnant and so ready to find out the gender of her baby. Hopper had to go to work and the kids were at school so she only had Kali an the newly engaged Jonathan and Nancy with her this time. As they entered the room she was already crying, in just a few minutes she would be able to see if her baby was a boy or a girl.
"Mom, it will be alright" said Kali
"I know sweetie, it's just so amazing"
Mom, I have a question"
Well, us kids have been thinking about this for a while know and we wanted to know wife we could choose the baby's middle name together... so you will still pick the first name but we have a few middle names written down and home... so you know..."
"Honey, I would love it if you would all pick the middle name"
"Oh my god, thank you so much!"
"Just please don't let Will call the baby something stupid"
"Oh, he's tried but we stopped that straight away"
The doctor enters the room and sits down.
"Hello, Mrs Hopper, is everything going ok"
"Surprisingly well actually"
"That's great, can you tell me how often the baby is kicking?"
"Every day, mostly when I am trying to sleep!"
"Your baby seems very eager to meet you!"
"I guess it does!"
"Now, would you like to find out the gender of your baby?"
"Yes please!"
"Alright it looks like you're having a - wait a minute"
"What is something wrong?"
"No, not at all, Mrs Hopper it looks like your actually having twins!"
"What, shit... no I don't mean that, I'm just surprised, this is great!"
"Do you still want to find out the gender?"
"Well, baby number one is a boy, and baby number two is a......

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