Chapter 8

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"Well, baby number one is a boy, and baby number two is a girl!"
"Oh god, this is the best day of my life! Is it ok if you can leave us alone for a bit, I need to talk to my kids"
"Of course"
The doctor leaves the room and Joyce looks at Kali, Jonathan and Nancy, they're all smiling, and for the first time she can see tears in Kali's eyes.
"Kali, darling, are you alright?" asked Joyce
"I'm gonna be a big sister to TWO babies, these are happy tears mom"
"I thought that they might be"

Later that day

After shopping for some more stuff for the babies, Joyce and Kali decided to head home. Nancy and Jonathan were already there along with all the other kids. Hopper was there to, watching a movie with El and Lydia. Kali took the bags into her parents room quickly so Hopper couldn't see that they'd bought stuff for two babies. Joyce told El to pause the movie as she had something to tell everyone. Kali got the others and Joyce stood with her at the front of the living room.

"Do you know if I have a sister yet" enquired El
"Yes honey you're going to have a sister"
Everyone was talking to each other and smiling.
"And a brother" finished Joyce
"What?" said Hopper "You mean we're going to have twins?"
"Yes we're going to have twins!" said Joyce crying with excitement
"Honey, this is amazing, I love you so so so much"
"I know"
Everyone was smiling, crying and Will was jumping up and down with excitement. The whole family shared a group hug, being careful not to hurt Joyce or the babies. They were just one big happy family.

That night

The whole family is sitting in the living room watching yet another movie. Nancy is there with them as she is a member of the Hopper family now. Joyce begins to speak "Kali told me you wanted to pick out the baby's middle name together"
Yeah mom, is that okay?" asked Will hoping that it would be.
"Yes, I really want you to , but now that we now that it's two babies, I was wondering if you guys wanted to pick out the middle name for the girl and Jonathan and Nancy would choose the middle name for the boy"
"Oh my god"said Nancy "You would really let me be involved with choosing a name?"
"Yes darling, I'd really like it, you're part of our family. But don't make the mistake of picking a name that you want to name your kid!"
"I won't" Nancy laughed

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