Chapter 4

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When Joyce wakes up she sees that Hopper is already awake and watching her with a look in his eye. "Why are you looking at me" she wanted to know
"Well to start with I was just seeing how perfect you are and then I was thinking about the baby. I mean isn't it kinda crazy how one day we're fighting monsters in The Upside Down and the next we are going to see a sonogram of our baby.
"Oh shit"
"Thanks for the compliment honey"
"No, I mean you just reminded me we have a doctors appointment in... uh... 45 minutes."
"Crap, we gotta go, hey I have an idea, why don't we take the kids with us.. you know, to see their brother or sister, it'll be crowded but it's important that they know what's going on with you and the baby.
"It a wonderful idea"

The family head inside the hospital, luckily finding 7 seats that were next to each other. Kali hugged El and Lydia, comforting them and saying that this is a nice hospital with no bad men. The young girls still looked worried though so Joyce and Hopper tried to take their minds off of it. "Hey girls, what do you want the baby to be, a boy or a girl" said Hopper
"I want a sister" said El
"Me too" Lydia chimed in
"That might not happen but we can always wish really hard" Hopper told them

"Mom" said Jonathan
"What do you want?" said Joyce with a hint of sarcasm in her tone
"How long do you think we'll be in the waiting room?"
"I don't know, probably around 20 minutes"
"Can I invite Nancy to see the sonogram if she can get here in time?"
"Of course you can but do you mind me asking why?"
"Well Nancy and I have been talking for a while about starting a family in around 5 or 7 years time but we still haven't really decided. I thought maybe if she saw the sonogram she might make up her mind.... also I'm going to ask her to marry me..."
"I know everyone's going to think that we're too young, but I love her and I can't imagine the rest of my life if she wasn't by my side"
"Well all I can say is I raised you like a gentleman" Joyce replied, smiling with tears in her eyes. "Go and call the girl! Bring her here, and tonight you can tell Hopper all about this plan, I'm sure he'll love to help you."
"Okay, I'm going to call her" Jonathan shouted, running out to find a phone, "And mom, he's not Hopper he's my dad!"

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