Chapter 3

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"What did you wanna tell us" asked Jonathan
"Well, there's no easy way to put it, I'm uhh.... well... I'm pregnant" stuttered Joyce
The family went into complete silence with smiles beaming at Joyce and Hopper from all around the table, apart from their newest 12 year old daughter, Lydia. "Is mom going to die?" The whole table lost their smiles and their expressions were ones of confusion. "Why would you think that" said Hopper, but then he realised, like El, Lydia had been in a lab her whole life, she probably didn't understand. "Lyd, do you know what being pregnant is?"
Hopper looked at Joyce, knowing it was a conversation for a mother and a daughter. The other kids seemed to know it to as they went into their rooms to leave Joyce and Lydia alone.
"Well" Joyce started, "At the moment there is a baby growing inside me, and in around nine months, the baby will come out, and once it has come out you will have a new baby brother or sister to play with"
"How did it get there?"
Joyce started off by saying some crap about the birds and the bees but she realised her daughter was 12 and needed to know the truth. Joyce said everything and when she'd stopped she realised she may have said a bit too much.
"Is that what you and dad do when you make noises after you get into bed?"
"Is it also what you do when dad throws you against a wall and you scream"
"I asked El about that"
"What did she say?"
"She said that Max said that they were good screams"
Joyce laughed to herself, of course her 14 year old daughter would be telling Max about her parents sex.
"Alright Lyd time for bed now, we can all talk about this in the morning"
"Goodnight mom"
Joyce smiled fondly at her youngest child, she had told all the girls that they never had to call herself and Hopper, mom or dad, but they always do and it warms Joyce's heart every time.

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