So Do You Know Who Your Neighbor Is? (Prt 1)

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I sighed as I put the last box down, looking over to Ken and Mary with my kiwi green eyes and putting my hands on my hips.

"Thank you guys so much for your help. Swear it would have taken me all day to bring these boxes in." I muttered softly as I looked around at the now crowded living room. Mary smiled brightly and sat down on the couch as Ken was poking around one of my boxes that had come open in my move.

"It's perfectly fine, Pahn. We're just glad your move to LA was safe!" Mary said and looked over to Ken before her smile faded and she replaced it with a playful scowl as she put her hands on her hips. "Ken, get out of her boxes!" She said sternly, but you could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"But she's got all these interesting doo-dads!" He said as he looked over at us and I laughed before walking over to him and pulling out a plushie of a blue alpacha that was in the box with its black companion and laughed more. I held up the blue alpacha towards my face and grabbed his monocle and procured my British accent.

"Why good sir, I am not a doo-dad, I am an alpacha, and my name is Sir Boss and you shall address me as such!" Mary started giggling and Ken just chuckled sheepishly before looking towards Mary.

"Anyway, Pahn, we should get going as it is getting late. If you need anything, though, don't be afraid to call!" Mary said and Ken nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, we'll get here as fast as we can, but with who your neighbor is, you can probably just go to them." Ken added before they both waved and left out of my door. I waved back to them, thanking them with playfully blown kisses and laughs. After they took off safely, I went back into my apartment, a bit confused by Ken's words as I looked to the left wall of my apartment as, due to being the last apartment on this side of the hall, that was the only place I could have a neighbor. Deciding to shrug it off as I had enough to do as it was rather than introducing myself to new people at the moment.

Walking around my apartment, I tried to make sure that I was quiet as I unpacked my equipment and set them in the back room that was away from my neighbor so no one would hear me reading, doing self-helps or any other recordings as I needed to get new soundproofing materials. Sighing sadly, I remembered what my ex did to all my old equipment and it made me reach up to the right side of my face where the bruise was still healing. Ken and Mary were the only ones out of all my YouTube friends that knew of my ex and his abusive nature and that was why I had to leave Worchester MA. I think them being here was the whole reason I decided to move to LA to begin with as I knew I at least had someone here that listened.

With my train of thought escaping the tracks, I didn't even realize that I was almost finished with most of my boxes and had set up my desk in my recording room. When I went back into my living room, I heard something coming through my wall, sounding like yelling.

".... I DON'T WANT TO WAKE THE BABY!!...." I blinked at those words, tilting my head to the side in curiosity before shaking my head and sighing, deciding to sit down in my living room for a little bit. I wouldn't have internet and I didn't want to record anything at the moment as it was pretty late and I was too tired anyway from going straight to moving into my apartment after getting off the plane from the East coast to the West coast. I rested my head against the back of the couch and before I even realized it, I had fallen asleep.

To be continued..........

Why Do You Want to Stay (Markiplier x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon