What Do You Want, Good Sir?

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I awoke to the Freddy Fazbear laugh and looked at my phone.  It showed I had a message from Mark and that it was one in the morning.  Sighing, I plucked my glasses off of the other side of my queen size bed and placed them on my face.  I didn't need them to read the message on my phone as my eyesight wasn't that bad, but I put them on out of habit before unlocking my phone to read the text.

Mark: Hey, if you're awake would you like to come over and help me with this?

I looked a bit confused, wondering what he needed help with before I sighed and got out of bed.  I put on my grey and white slippers before grabbing my old and worn Reptar® hoodie and headed out of my door.  I was wearing a black tank top underneath the hoodie as well as my fuzzy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™ pajama pants.  I ruffled my messy hair back into place before knocking on his door.

I heard scrambling and a simple 'ow' before the door opened and Mark beamed at me happily, almost giddy; or so I thought, which was silly of me; to see me.

"Yay! You're awake!" He said as he dragged me inside and closed the door.

I looked around his apartment, which was a bit of a mess as boxes were everywhere, along with packaging material that had been removed from the boxes. Knick-knacks, which I presumed came from the boxes, were on coffee tables, shelves and even the floor and I couldn't help but giggle before looking over to him.

"Well it is hard to stay asleep when you hear Freddy Fazbear laughing in your bed." I said softly, earning an odd look from him and I just smiled, "it's my text tone after all." I finished explaining and he nodded with a laugh.

"Why would you want that nightmare as a text tone?" He asked, but walked away after speaking so I did not answer as I looked to him curiously.

Mark looked over his shoulder and motioned for me to follow, which I did so and ended up in his recording room.  I looked over to him and he just smiled, putting the camera lense protector on his camera before hitting record.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today I have a special guest with me! Say your introduction, ma'am!" Mark said as he stood next to the chair and motioned for me to sit down.  I did so before clearing my throat.

"Yo my scartastic crew, Pahnick here and I am here with my neighbor, THE Markiplier.  Don't ask me why we are here, guys... he just woke me up." I said in my soft voice, looking over to Mark.

"Well, I need your help with this night on FNAF 2 and we could do a faceless collab together as I bet you don't have internet yet!" Mark stated matter-of-factly and I raised a brow before huffing playfully.

"Well my spooksters, seems we are going to have a collaboration with Markiplier, helping him play a game I beat." I snickered at him. "Why didn't you just watch my videos to learn what to do?" I asked and received a shrug in return before he realized his fans couldn't see that.

"I wanted to do a collab and I was already recording this, so I figured I'd bring you here! I mean you do just live next-door " He laughed as did I, shaking my head and starting up the game, grabbing the extra pair of headphones as he grabbed the black headphones and put them on.

"Apparently he was all ready for me, guys.  This good sir had an extra pair of headphones all plugged in." I laughed and missed Mark's blush as I was already going through the rhythm of FNAF 2.  I was having a fine rhythm until I put down my camera and saw Bonnie and Mark freaked out to where I almost forgot to put down the Freddy mask.  When I wasn't attacked, I thought I was fine but as I went to wind up the music box, Old Bonnie jumped into my view, making Mark and me scream.

"See, it doesn't matter! " He said and I just laughed and shook my head.

"It does matter, I was just too slow because your freaking out startled me!" I stated and went back into the night and started the rhythm back up.

That is how the night went, he and I doing a faceless collaboration of FNAF 2, which he said he would render for me to upload on my channel later on as we finished recording.  I took off the headphones and sighed as I looked to him and smiled.

"That was fun, should do that more often since we are neighbors!" Mark said before looking around.  "I still have to put my sound proofing up." He said softly, pursing his lips together in thought before going into the closet and pulling a box out that had the familiar materials inside of it.

"I'll help since I'm here." I muttered softly and stood up from the chair, walking over to him and taking out the sheets of padding.  He grabbed a staple gun and I would put the padding against the sheet that was on the wall and he would staple it in place. 

Soon we had it all back up and due to his light, I was already feeling the temperature rise.

"Goodness, now I feel why you took all of this down, it's hot in here." I said with a heavy exhale.

"Well a small room like this can't handle all this heat!" Mark said as he gestured to himself while shaking his hips.  I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as I shook my head at him.

"I meant the soundproofing.  If it gets hot in here again like you said it was before you took it down, you can put it down again.  I would rather hear your screams from horror games than you die of a heat stroke." I said as I looked to him, smiling softly as he nodded, beaming at me.

---Mark's POV---

I decided to give in to my urges to see her again with a bit of a lie by asking for her help with this night in FNAF 2.  I would ne honest if I said I really didn't know what to do when old Bonnie and Chica came into the room with me, but I didn't really need help like I asked her in the text.  After I sent it, I looked at the time and saw it was 1AM and mentally cursed myself.  She probably wasn't even awake and I sighed as I thought my plan to see her again had failed, until I heard a knock on my door.  I got up quickly and ran to my door, forgetting that I had mail from fans littering my living room and I caught my foot on some packaging material.  In my fight to shake it off, I stumbled into a box and tripped, muttering an 'ow' as I got up and answered my door to see Pahnick right there, dressed in her pajamas and wearing slippers.  She looked even more adorable like this and I couldn't help but beam at her happily and drag her in.

I didn't really care that my place was a mess as I led her around and looked over my shoulder to have her follow me to the recording room.  I smiled at her and put tje cover to my lense on my camera before hitting record and did my intro, the smile still on my face as she did her intro and we started playing FNAF 2. 

She was so cute when scared was all I could think about as squeaks and jumps would come from her every time a character would jump at us for silly mistakes.  After a while, though, we finally beat the night and did our outros before I stopped the recording.

"That can go on your channel and you can say how you did a collaboration with Markiplier!" I stated, playfully being smug and it made her giggle.

After a moment of silence, I realized I still needed to set up my soundproofing material and pulled out the box it all was in from the closet. I blinked when Pahnick came up and started helping me, but smiled as with her help I managed to get it all done a lot quicker than if I was by myself.

She mentioned something about the temperature when we finished and I couldn't help the remark that came out of my mouth.  She laughed, though so I knew it was all ok, and it caused me to smile before she said something about if it got hot in here again, I could take the soundproofing down.  I smiled and nodded before looking around, my eyes landing on the time.  It was now 3:30 in the morning yet I still didn't want this amazing woman to leave.

So now what, Mark... How will you get her to stay?

((A/N: Usually I don't like to put these in my stories but just wanted to apologize if you don't like the song.  I do and I was alsp watching As Above So Below while writing this chapter. Don't like the song, don't play it.  If you have and don't like it, don't comment on it.  Problems solved, thanks! ))

Why Do You Want to Stay (Markiplier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now