So Do You Know Who Your Neighbor Is? (Prt 2)

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I awoke with a start due to hearing screaming followed by muffled words.  My body was rigid with alertness as I waited and in a few minutes, another scream could be heard through the walls and I jolted up.  Exiting out of my apartment in a rush, I went to the next door over and started knocking loudly, hoping my neighbor was ok.  Call me an idiot for doing this, but I know what it's like to be cornered with a psycho.

I waited for a few minutes, reaching in my pocket for my phone before the door opened and I was face to face with a man with dark brown; almost black looking; eyes, hair to match, glasses and he looked like he could have Asian in him.  To be honest, he was quite handsome as he smiled at me, his teeth perfect and looked at me expectantly.

"Hi, s-sorry to disturb you.  I just... I heard screaming and wanted to make sure everything was ok.  I just moved in next door, so I'm sorry if I'm bothering you." I said softly, tucking my chin length, black hair behind my ears and smiling sheepishly.

The man looked complexed for a moment before he beamed and let out a chuckle. "If anything, I should apologize.  I didn't realize I was being so loud in my recording room.  I put down the soundproofing because it was making the room too hot, but knowing I disturbed a pretty new neighbor, I shall put it back up when my video is rendering tonight.  As for the screaming, I'm just playing a horror game, so other than the scares, everything is fine, I assure you!"

I smiled softly at his words and giggled. "So you're a Lets Play YouTuber, then?" I asked softly and he nodded eagerly.

"Yup! My name is Mark, but my fans know me as Markiplier!" He said proudly and I blinked at him. Markiplier? I could have sworn I heard that name before.

"Markiplier? I've never seen one of your videos, but I believe I have heard of you.... Do you know CinnamonToastKen?" He laughed a little at my question.

"Yeah, I do actually. Why?" Mark raised a brow, but I could already tell he was just being playful.

"Oh, he's just a friend of mine alongside a few other YouTubers.  I'm Pahnick, I do self-helps, Lets Reads and collaborations with Lets Play YouTubers." I explained as I introduced myself.

"Pahnick!? Ken has mentioned you a few times.  So much in fact that I watched a few of your videos.  I like your cause and even participated in your charity give-away for the Suicidal Watch unit in Massachusetts. " I blushed at his words since I now felt slightly bad.  He knew of me, but I didn't know him.  Yet, I still beamed at him and relaxed.

"I'm glad you enjoy my videos! Well, if you're ok, I'll leave you to recording.  I'm really sorry I bothered you." I bit the side of my lip nervously and he shrugged.

"It's no big deal.  Hey! Can I see your phone?" Mark pointed to the device that I had completely forgotten was in my hand.  Looking weary for a minute, I handed him my phone as he pulled out his.  He took a few minutes before handing my phone back to me with a big grin.

"Just in case we ever need each other with being neighbors and all, I got your number and programmed mine into your phone.  Anyway, I'm sorry I worried you, have a good night." He waved and I did as well, walking to my door and heading into my apartment as I heard his door close.

---Mark's POV---

I was recording the end of night two for FNAF 2 when I heard a frantic knock at my door. It almost sounded panicked and I quickly got out of my chair, stumbling over things as I headed to my door.

When I answered it, this girl looked up at me with beautiful light green eyes.  I couldn't speak when those orbs looked at me, so I stood there like a loser with a smile on my face as my eyes secretly took in all of her features.  She was a bit shorter than me, wearing a baggy black hoodie that covered a white tank top and went over the shorts she was wearing.  The look suited her, even if it did sound very 'girl next door-ish' and was even completed with a pair of blue Converse high tops.

With a worried, yet sheepish expression, she began talking and that started a whole wheel of conversation.  I honestly felt bad that I had worried her into checking up on me; a complete stranger; but with how beautiful and kind she seemed to be, I didn't mind that it was her who ended up at my door.

When she mentioned Ken, I was intrigued, which grew into fascination when she introduced herself as Pahnick.  Now that she mentioned it, her voice did sound familiar; as Pahnick never shows her face.  I actually liked the work that she did, and even participated in donating to her charity give-away.  I even won one of the prizes, a doll that was supposedly hand sewn by this girl standing in front of me, and the little alpacha actually stayed at the top of my desk.

As she was running out of things to say, she apologized again and said she should leave me to my recording.  I just couldn't let her go just yet and looked around before noticing her phone. I inwardly smiled as I pointed at it while asking for it with a smile.  I mentally chuckled at her weary expression as she handed me her phone.  It took me a minute to figure out where her number was on the device, but when I found it, I programmed the number into my phone before putting my number in hers.  I handed her device back with an explanation and she seemed happy and nodded as she walked back to her door after returning my wave.  I waited until I heard her door close before closing my own, sighing as I looked at my phone.

Is it odd I already want to see her again?

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