Shed My Skin, My Fleece, My Sin, My Worms

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After a while of being in Mark's arms, I pulled away, sniffling as I was mostly calmed down now.

"You alright now?" Mark asked and I looked up at his voice and nodded before slowly creeping out of his arms, biting my bottom lip before standing.

"I-I'm sorry for the trouble.... I should go!" I apologized and quickly walked out of his apartment before he could get a word out, walking into my apartment where I closed and locked the door.  Sighing and feeling horrible for doing that, I leaned against my door, sliding down it until I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands.

That was stupid, Ihzzie. I thought to myself as I stayed in that position, almost jumping out of my skin when there was a knock at the door but I did not move or make a sound.

"Ihzabella??  I know you're there.  Let me in?  Why did you up and leave all of a sudden?" Mark's voice came from behind the door and I felt tears sting my eyes as I just sat there listening to his calm voice. "I don't think any less of you if that is what you're thinking...  Then again, it may not be...  Come on, let me in please? " His voice almost sounded pleading but I could not make myself answer the door.

Finally, I heard a sad sigh from him before footsteps followed and then his door closed and I could hear him in his living room.  I tilted my head as I heard things moving and then a thud on the wall we shared followed by a muffled 'ow'.  I smiled softly, though sadness was in it, just at the thought of what he could be doing.  Then I heard a knock, but it didn't come from the door, but rather the wall we shared.   I quickly shuffled over to it and leaned into the cold surface.  The knock came again and this time I slowly lifted my hand and knocked in return. 

We did this, knocking back and forth, for a few minutes before he started singing.  I smiled as some of my tears fell and I leaned my forehead into the wall, listening to him.  Mark wasn't great at singing this song, but I could tell he was trying and I found it oddly soothing.

'Amazing grace, how sour your sound.  That damned a wreckage like me.  I once was lost, but still I'm not found.  Had sight, now I can't see.  Had sight, now I can't see...' I wiped some of my tears away as he finished and realized I was smiling.  I loved that song, and I couldn't believe he knew it.

"Thank you.... I'm sorry." I said softly, but loud enough for him to hear me.

"You're welcome and it's ok.  I understand the need for space, and I'm here when you're ready. " Mark's voice crept through the wall and I smiled, resting my forehead and hand against the wall, as if I were facing him.

I didn't know that he was in the same position in the same spot on the other side of the wall and we sighed at the same time.

"I.... I have some things to do today...  I'll talk to you later." I muttered, though I didn't want to leave where I was.  I felt like my soul was keeping me planted where he was, as when I tried to move my body was willed to stay.

---Mark's POV---

Ihzabella was relaxing before she snapped back to reality when I spoke and nearly slithered out of my arms with such grace that I blinked. She soon said she had to leave after apologizing and I was in too much shock to speak or stop her.

When she left, I took a minute to register what just happened before I stood up and went out to her door.  I knocked but didn't hear a sound.  I was calm as I talked to her through the door.  I just wanted her in my arms again, to comfort her, to soothe her.  When she didn't answer even when I was pleading, I decided I should give her the space she needed to shed away her fear.

I went back into my apartment and started moving the boxes and packaging, being quick so I could get to the wall we shared.  Once I did, I slid against it and hit my head, rubbing it before lifting my hand and knocking.  When I got no answered, I did it once more while I heard shuffling.

I was about to stop until I heard a soft knock finally, replying to my own and I smiled with relief before knocking again.

We spent probably fifteen to twenty minutes doing this before I had a thought and started singing. I knew I didn't have the best voice for the song I chose, but I was going on a limb that she might like this song and at the moment, I really wanted Ihzabella to smile.

When I was finished, she thanked me and I beamed as I put my hand and forehead against the wall, not knowing she was in the same position in the same spot, it just felt right to be like this.

She soon mentioned about needing to go to do some things but I didn't hear movements and I had a small, sad smile on my face as I decided to speak.

"Don't go just yet, please." I whispered loud enough for Ihzabella to hear me.  I heard a sigh before movement and I almost thought she left before I heard her voice.

"Ok, just a little longer. " She muttered and I wished right then and there that I could hug her close.

Why is this wall separating us, Ihzabella?

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