Cobwebs in Memory Lane

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--Warning, graphic content--

I sighed softly before groaning.  Why was I suddenly so cold?  This didn't make any sense as I remember being so warm when I fell asleep.  I opened my eyes and realized I was no longer in Mark's apartment, but in the cold darkness of a cramped space.  I squeaked and looked around, touching the walls as I tried to find a way out. 

Soon I felt what seemed to be a door and I. started slamming my fists against it, trying to get out.  Apparently that was a bad idea as light soon seeped through the cracks between the door and the threshold.  I heard heavy, familiar footsteps and I subconsciously stepped away from the door, leaning my back against the wall behind me as if I wanted to disappear through it.

When the door finally opened, after a series of locks were undone, and I was faced with my ex who was glaring at me as if he had intent to kill me for making such noise.  I whimpered and tried to shrink my small form from his gaze, tears already forming in my eyes.

"What have I told you about making noise, Ihzabella!" Damien yelled at me and I nearly screamed at the harshness of his voice but I managed to stop it before it went past my tonsils.  He reached for me and grabbed my hair, pulling me out of the closet easily as he was six foot two and I was only five foot four and small due to forceful anorexia. I did scream this time and it made him growl at me as he lifted me up by my hair to look at him.  I was crying from the pain and trying to loosen his hand from my hair.

"D-Damien, I.... I'm sorry, I... I forgot where I was! B...Baby please forgive me!" I said meekly as I looked down, knowing better than to look directly into his light brown eyes that always seemed to have a red glow to me.  I heard him snicker as he threw me to the floor, my weak body crumbling under the force before I screamed again as he leaned down and grabbed my hair again.  He started dragging me like this, ramming me into the wall, tables, bookshelves and corners furiously and on purpose.  I almost felt like I was about to pass out from all the pain, but my body forced to stay awake as he dragged me into the bedroom.

I was fighting to the best of my ability as he lifted me up and threw me onto the bed, closing and locking the bedroom door behind him, making sure to get the locks at the top of the door where I could not reach.  I watched him, cowering away from his movements as he stripped himself on his way to the bed.  He looked like he was a beast with intent to kill me and I whimpered when his naked form crawled on to the bed.  He snarled at me as his body hovered over mine as if he was daring me to hit him, but I just lay under him, still and not looking at him as he smirked wickedly, ripping off the rags I was wearing as he forced himself into me, causing me to scream out in pain, crying furiously.

He didn't last long and soon finished and pulled out.  I didn't need to look down to know I was bleeding.  I hurt and was shaking with tears streaming down my face as I curled up.  He got up, putting his pants on and laughing crudely at my broken state.

"Remember where you are now, bitch!?" Damien asked sarcastically before hunching over me and pulling my hair again so our eyes locked. "Remember who you belong to, Ihzabella!" He growled as he kissed me furiously, biting my bottom lip until blood rushed from it furiously.  With that, he left, me crying on the bed, bleeding, bruised and broken.

Before he came back, I heard a voice and felt like I was being shaken.  Soon I awoke, gasping for air with a concerned Mark hovering over me.  I looked to him with terrified green eyes, almost about to strike until my mind registered that what just happened was a dream.  I couldn't even register that Mark could now see the bruise on the side of my face as I started crying furiously, my body shaking.  Mark looked at me sadly before picking up my small form easily and cradling me to him, being gentle with me as he sat me in his lap, holding me close.  I clung to him as I cried my eyes out.  I felt so bad that my nightmare had woken him up but I couldn't form words to voice an apology as he rocked us and stroked my hair, trying to comfort me without sound.

---Mark's POV---

I was sleeping soundly with Pahnick on my chest, but that ended after about what felt like an hour of sleep.   Soon I felt thrashing and it woke me, causing me to look down at the girl in my arms who was causing the harsh movements.  I slowly moved out from under her and saw that she was crying.   I began to freak out and started to try and wake her up, shaking her and calling her nickname.  That didn't seem to be working as she was still crying and in a deep sleep and started screaming helplessly.  I didn't know what to do so for the moment, I just held her to me, holding her slightly down so she wouldn't hurt herself with her flailing.  I didn't care about me, not in the slightest, I just wanted this kind soul to wake up from her torment.

"Pahnick, come on babe, you're ok.  You're safe, I promise you're safe.  Wake up, just wake up and see that you're safe!" I pleaded with her sleeping form as I brushed back her soaking hair, seeing the fading bruise that took up the whole left side of her face and I felt my blood run cold.  This wasn't just a nightmare, this was a reoccurring memory.  I began shaking her again, a bit more strength in it though I was still being gentle with her as she was so frail.

"Pahnick, come on!! You're not where your mind is taking you, I promise.  Pahnick, dear, wake up please!" I tried one more time and finally she woke with a gasp of air.  I was cautious as she grabbed her bearings and got out of alert before she started bawling.  I quickly grabbed her and picked her up, comforting her without words as I held her tight against me, giving her warmth as she was freezing against me.

We sat in almost silence as all that was breaking it were her cries of emotional pain and the memories of the physical pain.  I did not ask questions nor did I say soothing words as I could tell she needed my actions more than my words as she clung to me desperately.

"I....Ihzabella" I heard her hiccup out as her sobs calmed down.

"H-huh?" I asked as I looked down at her, still holding her close.

"M...My name... I...It's Isa....Ihzabella..." She whispered, trying to calm her hiccups down.  I smiled nearly lovingly at her as I brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead without thinking.

"Well, welcome back to the present, Ihzabella. You were missed. " I said softly as I rocked her more.

I'll try to protect you from all your demons, Ihzabella.  I promise that to you.

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