Sheep in Wolfish Clothes

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Later on that day, I was walking around my apartment, unpacking and cleaning while I was texting Mary.

Mary: So wait, you had a night terror about your ex while at Mark's?

Pahn: Yeah. I feel so bad for it happening.  Mark didn't need to see that

Mary: Pahn, stop beating yourself up.  I bet Mark didn't care, he just wanted you to be ok.

Pahn: Well, he did come to my door after I left... I couldn't answer it.  He then gave me my space but communicated with me through my wall.

Mary: Oh goodness that's so sweet! Ken has to know that one! But see, he just wants you happy!

Pahn: If you tell Ken, Mark will be teased to no end.

Mary: Kind of the point, lol

Pahn: Oh gods... Poor Mark.  Anyway, I have to finish this house. ttyl

Mary: Yup, Ken and I will be over in the next few days!  Be safe and get to know Mark, he's a great guy and you need that.

I sighed as I looked over her last message again.   Was she already trying to pair Mark and I together?  Why? I mean it has been a year or so since I was with someone, but was I really ready to be with someone? I shook my head to get the thoughts of Mark and I out of my head as I finished my living room.  It was decorated rather plainly.  The couch was black plush, my entertainment center was cherry wood, as was my table and bookshelves that held my DVD collection.  I had just put up the last of the DVDs I owned, having them all organised by category, horror being the biggest section.

I didn't even think on what time it was before I heard knocking on my door. Sighing as my living room was finally in order, I went and answered the door, beaming as I saw Mark with a box.  He beamed as well and looked a bit shy.

"I thought you'd like some lunch, though it is a bit past lunch time.  I went and got Chinese, but I didn't know what you liked, so I got a few dishes and figured we could pick and share.  I even brought plates!" Mark gestured to the bag at the top of the box.

"Oh my!" I exclaimed while ushering him in, chuckling with a shake of my head. "You didn't have to!" I looked to him, gently taking the box and taking it to the kitchen as he looked around.  As I set the box down on the kitchen counter, I took the small boxes and containers out and set them up on the bar. My goodness, I swear he spent a fortune!! I silently thought as there was beef lo mein, chicken fried rice, general tsou's, six types of sushi, sweet and sour chicken, two things of plain rice, crab ragoons, egg rolls and teriyaki pork.  I looked to him, flabbergasted.

"I wanted to." Mark chuckled as he saw my face as my island counter was turned into a Chinese bar display. "Guess I could have gone overboard, but wanted to surprise ya." He muttered sheepishly as he watched me open the paper plates.

"I am surprised, and I appreciate this so much, Mark!" I smiled at him as I put a bit of everything on a plate and handed it to him.  "This is yours, feel free to sit on the couch." I motioned as he took the plate with a smile.  I made my plate, taking mostly sushi and the crab ragoons before I joined him.  When he noticed my plate, he smiled more.

"Least I got some things right! " He said happily and I laughed as I got up and chose a movie, putting in As Above, So Below and starting it up.

"They were ALL good choices! I enjoy all those foods! We will have to split the leftovers when you leave." I said but I got Mark shaking his head.

"No, I bought it for you, it's all yours!" He said with a mouthful of food.  I laughed and covered his mouth with my hand as the movie started playing as he had noodles hanging from his lips while he was speaking.

"Didn't your mom ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full!?" I teased and he laughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah." He muttered as he moved my hand and continued eating.

Soon we were both relaxed into one another against the back of the plush couch while we picked at our plates with our eyes watching the screen.  I was definitely going to have to find out where he went to get the sushi because it was amazing and I took my time with it; though he bought doubles of the six types of sushi;  and enjoyed the food and him so close to me again.

All of this felt amazing and slightly unreal as we were huddled up, chopsticks and plates in our hands, me with my shoulder touching his and my legs curled up on the other side of me.  It wasn't long before he finished his food before me and set his plate on the table before wrapping an arm around me.  I looked to him and beamed as I set my plate down too for now, looking back to him to see his face closer to mine.

"M....Mark?" I whispered as my kiwi eyes locked with his brown ones which were filled with confidence, happiness, and another emotion that I could not place.  We stayed like that for a few minutes before he smiled softly and kissed my forehead, pulling me down on top of him as he lay on the couch, putting us in a position that felt all to familiar and filled me with warmth.

---Mark's POV---

I heard a lot of shuffling and moving around in Ihzabella's apartment and figured she was probably unpacking her things as she did move them in yesterday.  Yesterday? It's only been one day?  Why does it feel like she's been around for years!? 

I sighed at that thought before going into my recording room and recorded some more FNAF 2 while the video from last night was still rendering from the edit.

I was at the game for a few hours before I realized it was lunch time.  I walked into my kitchen before thinking that Ihzabella probably didn't have any food in her house and that was when the idea to go get take-out came to my mind.

I quietly left my apartment and headed to my car, humming as I went to the take-out place and then to the sushi joint.  I swear both of those places thought I was crazy but a god send as I ordered all the food, but they didn't complain and happily prepared it all fresh for me.

When I was done and happy with all that I got, I got plates and headed back, knocking right on Ihzzie's door instead of going through my own.

I was so happy when she opened the door and beamed as she smiled and I saw her eyes light up at the food.  Apparently take-out was a good idea.  Go Mark! I mentally voiced as I told her I got a late lunch for us.  She happily let me in and took the box from me to set up the food.

I took this time to look around and she had a lot of cool things.  The bookshelves were loaded up with books, DVDs and knickknacks that looked to be handmade.  My eyes looked to her walls at all the movie and game posters that were in frames and finally I saw the couch.  She had a fuzzy couch!! Yes!! I looked to her and when she said I could take a seat, I rushed to the couch, loving how soft it was.  I had my plate and I was just waiting for her.

I smiled as I saw the sushi and crab ragoons on her plate, and I was really happy I picked somethings she enjoyed a lot.  She chuckled when I voiced that and said she actually liked everything I came with and I decided then that leftovers were hers, voicing that when she mentioned splitting the food.

We got comfortable after she sat down, eating our food and watching the movie she put in.  To be honest, I wasn't paying attention to the movie as she was leaning into me, our shoulders touching and the feeling I got from the contact was amazing.  We ate in silence and for once, it was actually comfortable silence that I didn't want to interrupt with jokes and being a goof and I just ate my food.

I finsihed before her and put my plate on the table and wrapped my arm around her as she ate.  She didn't finish her food but I didn't voice anything as she sat her plate on the table and went into my arms.  I couldn't help the beam that came to my lips as I put both arms around her and pulled her down as I lay on the couch with her on top of me.

"Got you! ~" I said happily and she giggled and looked to me.

"That you do, Mark." She whispered, resting her hands on my chest as she put her chin on her hands.  We both just shared smiles as we lay on her couch.

Would it be too much to ask to stay like this for eternity?

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