Grace For Cheap

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It had been almost three months and everyone was staying at Mark's place, including me, as he had internet for everyone to do their jobs; as I canceled them coming to my house to be safe.  Didn't need an internet cable man in my house and it end up bejng someone Damien had contact with.

I knew I was probably being overly paranoid, but it wasn't my idea at first, it was Mark's, and due to my restlessness today, he was making it known again.

"Mark, it's just the hook-up guy, I need internet sooner or later." I said as I looked to him, trying to hide my frustration at this situation.  Despite me trying, though, he sat there stubbornly and kept shaking his head.

"No, not until we find this guy, Ihzie! Last thing we need is for the hook-up man to be him and he gains entrance to your home!" Mark said, his voice a bit loud, though it was clear he wasn't trying to be.  I sighed and collapsed on his couch as Mary spoke.

"I agree with Mark on this one, Pahn.  We will get internet at your place, just let us find Damien first.  I'm sure he will show his face sooner or later."

I groaned as I was getting restless with this situation, shaking my head. "Not even dating and you have a say..." I pouted, not realizing the look on his face.  I was too absorbed looking at the black screen of the television in his room and grumbling before Minx spoke.

"Pahn, that isn't very nice to say.  He's just worried for you, we all are and we all agree with him.  I know you want to get back to your things and your set-up but fot now, just think on what we are trying to do for you."  She said, a bit of attitude in her voice as she really sounded disappointed in me and I looked down, hanging my head like a scoulded child as I sniffled before resting my forehead on Mark's shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." I whimpered out as I felt his arm wrap around my waist and he pulled me to him securely, instantly making me relax as my strong girl act broke and I cried a little.  Sensing my wall breaking, Mark started rubbing my back in a soothing manner and began humming a melody to me like Mary, Ken and Minx weren't in the room with us.  If I had looled up, I would've realized they weren't as when Mary heard me apologize, she rounded Ken and Minx up for a recording session in the back room. 

It was moments like this where any troubling thoughts disappeared.  I realixed that last night when I again had a nightmare and had woken Mark up; since I was sleeping in his room and sharing his bed with him; from a deep sleep as I had punched him in the chest in my sleep.  When he managed to wake me up and I saw what I did I looked at him terrified, waiting for him to do something as tears filled my eyes.  Instead he just smiled at me, welcomed me back to the real world like he did the very first night and nights prior and held me close while I cried, rocking me to soothe my terrifying memories.  Mark was perfect to me and I was beginning to understand why his subscribers loved him so much and some of mine said he'd be perfect for me.

When I pulled away from him slowly and looked up into his brown eyes with my kiwi green ones, something sparked within me and I leaned in and pressed my lips against his softly, my body rigid as I waited to be rejected.  What happened made me gasp, which Mark took as an opportunity, as he had pulled me closer to him and kissed me back hungrily but lovingly with his tongue now intertwined with mine  Soon our kiss became a little more heated and he gently pushed me to lay on my back on the couch, hovering over me and never once breaking our kiss.  We were so lost in giving into our feelings for one another finally that we didn't hear Ken come in.

"Hey guys, you coming to record or wh-wha- Oh crap! Sorry!" Ken stuttered out in surprise, shocking Mark and me and causing us to pull away from one another and look to him with shocked eyes before Mark started laughing, making me giggle as well.

---Mark's POV---

Three months, and with each passing day my feelings for Ihzabella were growing stronger by the minute.  Everything about her I found captivating.  Playing games with her was addicting, listening to her read for her Let's Reads was soothing and watching her passion for her Self Helps were inspiring.  I could never get enough of her, even when her nightmares would break my heart for her.

Today, though, she was restless and everyone could tell as she again brought up the internet hook-up for her place.   I understood why, I mean this Damien guy hasn't shown his face yet and has purposely put us all in a state of alert, and a state of fear for Ihzzie.  She sat down next to me when I again stood my ground and got Mary to back me up.  What she said though as she did sit down caused my face to contort in a mixture of emotional pain and shock.  She was right, we weren't together and I was dictating over what she could do a bit, but couldn't she sense my hidden love for her? My need for her to be near me so I knew she was safe?

I looked up in amazement when Minx started speaking, blinking at her as she just smiled at me when Ihzzie rested her head on my shoulder and apologized.  Mary took this time to take everyone to the recording room, winking at me and mouthing how I better not mess this up or something like that.  I sat there, confused but when I noticed I had a crying Ihzabella on my shoulder, I pulled her close and cradled her against me as I muttered a song with my mouth closed.  She relaxed instantly at my actions and it soothed my soul to see her calming down.

After us sitting like this for fifteen minutes or so, she pulled away and looked up at me with those intensely green eyes and I got lost in them for a moment until I felt her smooth, plush lips against my own.  My body tensed in shock, but when I noticed she was tense like she was waiting for something bad to happen, I swooped her up against me and closed my eyes, introducing my tongue to the depths of her mouth as she grabbed on to me.  She didn't notice it, but she was making small mewls and moans as we made out softly but with growing passion and her noises were having an effect on my body and soon I had her laying on the couch below me.  I made sure not to demand too much of her and even made sure to keep my hips away from hers as I was becoming a little too excited.

I heard someone start speaking softly but didn't register until I heard a very loud 'Sorry' and broke the kiss between Ihzzie and I, almost wanting to yell at the person who would ruin such a wonderful moment until I saw it was a very embarrassed Ken.  After a minute and the whole situation registered, I started laughing, hearing Ihzzie giggle under me and it made me turn my gaze to her.  There she was, laying under me, her cheeks flushed, eyes full of life and love and her fingertips gently touching her swollen, full lips.  I couldn't help myself and I gently spoke.

"Now can we be together?" I whispered and Ihzzie looked up at me with wide eyes for a minute, making me nervous before a smile broke on her face.

"Yes! Yes, Mark, we can." She said, reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck and I took the opportunity to kiss her long and slow, not noticing Ken and now Mary as Ihzzie just made my world brighter with those words, making me smile against her lips as they fully registered and I felt her smiling back.

Finally, I pulled away and looked to see a beaming Mary and an awkward looking Ken and then heard Minx yelling from the recording room before I looked down to Ihzzie, getting off of her and holding out a hand to help her up.

"Let's get recording, baby." I said, my smile never fading and only growing in size as she took my hand.

Ihzzie, you made me the happiest man alive today.  I can't wait to make you forget anything bad that ever happened to you.

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