An All Nighter in the Nutthouse

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I looked over to him after we had finished putting up his soundproofing and to be honest, I felt like he was fighting with something inwardly.  After a minute of silence, he finally spoke.

"Uhm, I realized the time is almost four in the morning, but I have no plans of going to bed.  I was actually probably going to watch some movies before cleaning my place up.  If you'd like, you are welcome to stay. " Mark mumbled and I chuckled.  To be honest, I wasn't tired anymore either and I didn't have any electronics set up in my house so I agreed after a minute of thought.

"Sure, what are we watching?" I asked softly as I tucked my hair behind my ear, looking up at him.  He was beaming happily and even seemed relieved as I saw his body relax before he grabbed my hand and led me back into the living room where he stopped.

"Now be careful, this place is a minefield! " Mark said while glaring at the packaging materials on the floor and I giggled before walking ahead of him and passing all the materials with ease as I sat down on the couch, looking over to him innocently.

"How did you DO that!?" Mark exclaimed as he seemed helpless.  I laughed and shook my head, standing and walking back to him, taking his hand before walking.

"Just walk where I walk." I said, trying to ignore touching his skin, which was so warm compared to my cold hands, and slightly calloused, but in an enjoyable way.  I continued walking, this time back to the couch with him following me carefully.  I walked slowly this time and Mark managed to follow me almost perfectly. His foot did get caught on some packaging material but he didn't fall this time as I held his hand.

"So, again, what are we going to watch?" I asked when we reached the couch safely, smiling as I sat down and he went to his DVD shelf.

"Uhm, how about Repo! The Genetic Opera?" Mark asked and I perked instantly.

"I love that movie!" I said happily, bouncing a bit on the couch which made Mark chuckle as he put it in and sat down next to me.

Soon we were both into the movie, eyes glued as we were at Mark It Up, and I then chose this time to lean back onto the couch, not realizing that his arm was against it and that him sitting close to me caused me to lean into him a bit due to the slant of the couch.  Soon my body followed the slanted direction it was put in and I was resting my head on his shoulder, hearing his heartbeat.  I was so into the movie that the sound didn't even register to me that I was leaning on a guy I hardly knew and he moved his arm to hold me to him, his hand resting against my bare shoulder as my baggy hoody had slipped a little bit.

He was so warm and comfortable, that I instantly felt at ease even when my mind registered finally that I was on him, in his bubble and due to that, I didn't move away.  If anything, I subconsciously moved closer to him and stayed like that.

We were at the Opera part, right at Blind Mag's song and I felt myself dozing off.  I wasn't tired, really, but Mark was just so comfortable and I felt at peace and relaxed that I found myself dozing off.  I didn't even make it to Blind Mag's death before I fell asleep listening to Mark's heartbeat soundly.

---Mark's POV---

I couldn't believe my luck when she said she would stay.  I was so happy that I didn't even register that she asked a question as I grabbed her tiny hand and led her to the living room.

I warned her about the deathtrap I had for a living room at the moment, inwardly beaming at her chuckle as she walked ahead of me and went through the chaos.  She walked with such grace that I was almost in a trance as she passed through all the boxes and packaging material and sat down on the couch, looking to me with those big kiwi eyes that were slightly hidden due to her glasses.

How did she do that!? I found myself mentally thinking and I even said it aloud though I didn't mean to, but that giggle was my reply and I loved the sound.

Soon, she was in my space again, causing me to blink as she had moved with such grace again.  She smiled at me and took my hand with her small hand, which was cold. I instantly wrapped her hand with mine and it fit perfectly.  I ended up following her every, only slightly tripping as some packaging material seriously slithered out just to spite my good job!

We did make it to the couch, though and Pahnick smiled at me, which I returned with a goofy grin before heading to the shelf my DVDs were on and looking through them.

What to watch? She loves spooky things, c'mon Mark you have to have SOMETHING!! I mentally screamed as she asked what we were going to see, like she asked it before but I couldn't remember if she did.  I finally found Repo! and I thought it would be perfect!

When I suggested it, I knew I was on the right track as she was practically bouncing up and down.  I put the disc in with a chuckle and joined her on the couch, purposely close and resting my arm behind her.

As we were watching the movie, she leaned back into the couch and soon was leaning into me comfortably. It felt amazing having her so close that my arm moved to keep her to me.  After about twenty minutes of us like this, I felt her breathing slow down and even out and knew she was sleeping.  I decided to move carefully, laying down on the couch with her smaller frame on top of my larger one as I relaxed.  She only stirred slightly but it was to nuzzle into my chest and I smiled at how cute she was.  I was easily falling for this girl, even if all I knew about her was her nickname and her cause; as well as some things Ken told me that weren't personal at all; and yet despite all of that, she was wonderful.

Soon, I found myself falling asleep with my arms wrapped around her protectively.

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