♡QnA About Myself ^^♡

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♡The QnA is finally up and ready to be answered! If anyone asks me a question after this has been published then I will add their question at a later stage or just give the person who asked the answer to them. I hope none of my sins are in this!... O-o

Just to let you guys know, I haven't done a QnA on my YouTube Channel yet so you guys get to hear a bit about me first. You lucky people! 😉😂 UwU

Btw Q: stands for 'Quetion' and A: stands for 'Answer' 😊

Warning!: This is heck of a long QnA so brace yourselves and grab some popcorn! I added an hour long version of one of my favourite songs for you guys to listen to along this long journey!

Some of the questions are longer then they should be because I added more detail and other little things here and there too, I'm sorry! 😭 I also answered the questions in the order I found them!

Now on with the QnA~ OwO

Kat_Said_Hi Asked if I would fo a future QnA in a chapter awhile back, so I thought I'd answer it here by saying yes...yes I am! 😂😊

On with the actual QnA questions-

Kat_Said_Hi 's actual questions-

Q: Any future books ya got planned?

A: At the moment not really. I'm focused on Siren Head X Reader because I've fell in love with the big bean and his cute actions! OwO I have one or two books in mind, but I'd like to see what you and everyone else thinks of me making them. (Hint: They'll probably be more X Reader's but with other characters!😊)

Q: Have you seen Black Clover, and if so, which opening if your favourite?

A: I don't think I've even heard of it till now qwq, but I'll make sure to check it out when I get the chance! 😊

Q: Was your mind tainted due to Wattpad, and if so, how?

A: Um...*Yeets author out of window and legs it* ....ok I'll answer it. I'd have to say yes? The first time I read a book from Wattpad was I had no idea what a ((look away younger readers)) 'lemon' was, and when I found out my whole life changed. *My sins are diffinetly coming out now* O-o Lucky enough the one I read wasn't so bad 😅😥 On to the next question!

Q: What are your thoughts on Samsung phones?

A: I know you said this last question was a joke but I'll still answer it and truthfully, I hate them QwQ I have storage issues and a lot of my apps don't work properly as a result. I have Wattpad on my tablet which is also Samsung *cries on the inside* Thank you for the questions! 😊

joemom173 Asked~

Q: What is your favourite colour?

A: My favourite colour would have to be purple, probably lavender colour! Also reds a nice colour too! Thank you for the question! ^w^

ElizabethDickinson1 Asked~

Q: Do you like Harry Potter?

A: Yes I do! I think I'm a Hufflepuff and I like Fantastic Beasts and where to find them too incase you're wondering! 😊

Q: What is your dream job?

A: Well, when I was smaller it use to be a vet, but now it's an animator because I love drawing and animating things! 😊😄

Q: Do you like to travel?

A: I like flying sometimes, boats use to scare me but if I'm truly honest, I don't like even travelling out of my bed in the mornings! 😂

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