(7) sunflower

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Amelia crosses her arms over her chest with a huff in my front seat, "This is kidnap, Styles."

I roll my eyes playfully as I turn my focus back to the road, "How is it kidnap? I told you we were going somewhere, you willingly got into my car."

"It's kidnap because you won't tell me where we're going." She retorts immediately.

"Meils, just calm down. You'll see where we're going soon enough." I place my hand on her thigh for a moment reassuringly before removing it out of nervousness.

"Meils." She repeats the nickname, obviously never having been called it before.

I quirk my eyebrow, "Can I call you that?" She shakes her head and I speak again, "Well, why not?"

Amelia shrugs, "Don't know. Kinda want something original. That's not original 'cause it's associated with my original name."

"Okay, well what would you make my nickname?" I question as I pull into the parking lot of our location.

"Bubba." She replies almost immediately which takes me aback a bit.

I look over at her inquisitively, "Bubba?"

Amelia nods, "Bubba. Now, what's mine?"

I think for a moment with about a billion ideas running through my head. Dancer. No, basic and not catchy at all. Sunflower. No, Eddie's nickname. A certain stuffed animal catches my eye as I stare out the windshield and I look over to her with a smile.

"Muppet." She hums in approval of my nickname, her face breaking out into a happy grin before she quickly jumps out of the car.

I'm a bit taken aback by her quick actions and when I don't make an effort to move, she huffs from outside the car. Her hand waves for me to get out frantically and I quickly do so. Although shes trying to seem unhappy since I didn't reveal our location her, I can tell shes buzzing with excitement. Plus, I don't truly think Amelia could ever really be unhappy. At least I haven't seen it just yet.

"I'm missing work for this, so let's hope its fantastic." Amelia muses.

I roll my eyes playfully and take her hand in mine, laughing lightly as her eyes widen in delight at the small gesture. "You're going to absolutely love it. I know you will."

"Ah, so you know me well?" She challenges.

I nod cockily as I walk us to our destination, "I think I do."

Amelia lets out a small chuckle that warms my heart more than I thought it would. I only walk us a few feet until I stop at the top of a hill that is just off of the parking lot. Her eyes dazzle at the sight in front of us and she squeezes my hand in gratitude for where I've just taken her. The sun is glowing peacefully on her skin, and even though her blemishes and flaws can easily be seen, I still find her to be the most beautiful thing I've laid my eyes on.

"A sunflower field." She breathes out in disbelief.

I nod, even though she doesn't see it with how focused she is on the field. She resembles a little kid on Christmas Day. "Do you like it?"

Immediately, she nods eagerly, "I absolutely love it. You were right; you do know me." She gestures down to the field, "Can we.. can we go closer?"

I nod and begin to walk down, guiding her through our intertwined hands, "I don't think we could be here without going down near them."

We walk sort of into the sunflowers and a sigh filled with contentment and happiness leaves her lips. I can't help the wide smile on my face just at the sight of it, and I'm truly amazed a kind gesture I did made her this happy. But, I'm not too surprised since its Amelia and you could give her an ant and she'd thank you a million times.

Though, I tried to deny it before, and my mind still wants to deny it, my heart is showing me how I feel for Amelia. It's definitely not love; love takes time to grow, but I'm feeling a sort of pull towards her. I want to give her everything good in life and make the smile I see now appear on her face at all times.

But, I can't forget Zayn's words from so long ago.

"Plus, Amelia's quite literally the sweetest girl I've ever met, she can't be sucked into a world like this. She wouldn't be able to dance in Canyon Moon if the fans mobbed the place to try and get a glimpse of her. Mary and Eddie wouldn't be able to dance like it was their wedding night all over again. Our life is too complicated to date someone whose not in this world."

His words hurt me more now than they did back then. I may have gotten rid of a toxic management and found one that would be okay with me dating a normal person with no fame, but that doesn't change the world I find myself in. It would hurt me too much if Amelia received hate, I would hate to see her happy demeanor change because of hurtful comments from people who don't truly know her like I do.

I was so lost in thought, I didn't even hear the soft sniffles escaping Amelia's lips. It only registered in my mind what they were when she let go of my hand to wipe away stray tears rolling down her soft cheeks. The sight of her eyelashes clumped together from tears and the smile I loved being replaced with a frown tore my heart into two.

"I'm sorry, it was a bad idea bringing you here, wasn't it?"

Amelia shakes her head immediately, "No.. no, it wasn't. It was the best idea in the world." Her tear filled blue eyes meet my worried ones, "I just miss him, ya know?"

I nod, "I know."

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