Chapter 1 (Micheal)

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I sat around my darkened living room drinking from the bottle of Ciroc that was in my hands. For the past week, drinking was all I seemed to do. That was the only thing that took away the pain that I was feeling at the moment. Even after I walked in on Beyonce naked in bed with her ex, I was still having a hard time coming to terms with it all. Hurt was not even the right word to describe how I was feeling. I was devastated. I’d lost count of the many times I asked her if she was done with him, and each time she looked me right in my eyes and swore that she was. She was always saying how happy she was with me, but obviously she wasn’t happy enough. I hated myself for stepping outside of my character when it came to Beyonce. I was never one to involve others in my business, so asking for the help of Tori to find out the truth was something I should have never had to do. All I ever asked for was honesty, and she couldn’t even give me that. So in return, I turned into the same thing that Beyonce had become; a liar. The whole story about me going to Texas for business was a lie. I had to see for myself what went on with her when I wasn’t around. Even after Tori told me about seeing Beyonce with her cousin Jay I still was skeptical. I loved her so much that I was willing to turn a blind eye to the truth. It wasn’t until after I talked to her brother that my eyes were wide open. She had me under the impression that she was staying with her brother at one point when we had a falling out. According to him, he hadn’t seen her in over two months. It was only then that I came up with a business meeting in Texas lie. I damn near begged her to stay at my house, but she kept refusing and now I know why. I would have called the whole charade off if she agreed to stay at my house instead of Kelly's. A part of me was happy that she didn’t stay, or I wouldn’t have ever found out the truth about the games that she was playing. I sat there and replayed the events from last week in my head and got heated all over again. When I got a call from Tori telling me to meet her at Kelly's house, I was hoping that nothing would come of it. Even after I got there, I didn’t see the car that she told me her cousin would be driving. I saw Kelly and Bey's car in the driveway, but that was all. Tori's car was parked a few houses down, but that was to be expected since I was meeting her here. I walked up the steps that led to my cousin’s front door and my legs that felt like they weighed one hundred pounds each. Yelling could be heard coming from upstairs even before I made it into the house. I was taking my time at first, but that quickly changed when I walked through the front door. I took the steps two at a time with my heart beating just as fast. Kelly's was the first set of eyes to meet mine as I walked down the hall that led to her spare bedroom. Her, eyes silently pleaded for me to leave as the tears cascaded down her face rapidly. I knew then that whatever I was about to see was anything but good. “Just listen for a minute,” I remember Kelly saying through her tears. She had her hand on my chest, and she was trying to stop me from entering the room. I pushed her hand down and continued to walk. I stopped before I got to the room, and prepared myself for what I was about to see next. Kelly walked in the room and apologized to Beyonce for what she knew was about to be the end of our relationship. Once she was done talking, I walked the rest of the way until I was standing directly in the doorway. When Beyonce saw me, all the color drained from her face as she dropped her head in shame. I looked over at her ex, and the look of satisfaction on his face could not be missed. I didn’t have to ask what was going on because their naked bodies were enough evidence, even though they tried to shield it with the covers. “That’s what’s up. At least I don’t have to ask you anymore. I’ve got my answer. You can have that hoe ,” I said. I was talking to Jay while shaking my head at Beyonce. The smirk on his face let me know that she was exactly what he wanted. “Micheal wait!” Beyonce yelled to my back as I was leaving. I walked down the stairs and didn’t stop until I made it outside to my car. Kelly was right behind me trying to talk on behalf of her friend. “Mike I swear we didn’t know he was coming here. He just popped up and told us to open the door,” she said as she followed me. “You can miss me with all that bullshit. You’re just as guilty as she is. We’re cousins, and you got her and this nigga laying up like they’re paying rent in this bitch or something,” I said as I turned to face her. “It’s not even like that. She told him that she didn’t want him anymore. She stopped answering his phone calls and everything. He just doesn’t want to take no for an answer,” she said. “It doesn’t seem like she was trying to say no to me. Fucking a nigga is a hell of a way to say goodbye. So again, you and your girl can miss me with the bullshit,” I replied. I looked up and saw Tori and Bey's sister coming out of the house. I knew why Tori was here, but I was lost as to why she was here with Janaé. I had a lot of unanswered questions, but I wasn’t sure of whom I could get a truthful answer from. I hopped in my car and speed away, leaving Kelly standing on the curb. As soon as I turned the corner, I spotted the car that Tori told me belonged to her cousin. A CLS 500 with a personalized license plate that read, J'Carter. They were slick, but obviously they weren’t slick enough.

A few minutes later, I was shaken from my thoughts by the ringing of my doorbell . I knew who it was even before I got up to look through the peephole. My sisters had been blowing my phone up for the last few hours. They were asking me if they could come and get Beyonce's things that she had left at my house. Today wasn’t going to be any different than any other day because my answer was still no. If she wanted her shit, she would have to be woman enough to come and get it herself. She was going to face me whether she wanted to or not. She tried calling, but her phone calls went unanswered just like everyone else. This was one time I refused to allow her to run from her problems. “What do y’all want?” I asked my sisters once I opened the door. They walked passed me like I gave them an invitation to come in. “Why is it so dark in here?” Adrian asked as she flipped on the light switch. I’d been sitting in the dark for so long that the light made me flinch and cover my eyes. “Don’t come in here touching my shit, ” I yelled hitting the wall to turn the lights off. “You need to get up and get your ass up out of here. You smell bad and so does this house,” Adrian said as she turned her nose up at me. “Don’t worry about me. What do y’all want?” I asked for the second time. “You need to let us bring that girl her stuff. Her books are here, and she has classes to go to,” my sister Adrian spoke up. “I never stopped her from coming to get her stuff. I said I’m not giving it to y’all, but she can get it whenever she’s ready.” I said as I took a drink from my almost empty bottle. “I can’t believe you’re acting like this. The drinking and the attitude are not you at all,” Adrian said. “You can’t believe I’m acting like this?” I yelled as I pointed to myself. “Y’all acting like I did something wrong. I didn’t get caught butt ass naked in the bed with my ex, so don’t try come at me with that guilt trip shit. I don’t have anything to feel guilty about. I’m the one walking around with a broken heart, while she’s probably still off somewhere fucking a married man.” “ No, she’s not. She’s been staying with Kelly. We’ve been over there every day, and he hasn’t been over there once,” Adrian replied. “I really don’t give a damn. If he wants her, he can have her,” I replied heated. I loved my sisters, but they were pissing me off right about now. They were standing here defending Beyonce like she was a saint or something. “That’s messed up,” Adrian said as she shook her head. I felt my anger rising, so I decided to end their visit before things got out of hand. “Y’all need to go. Tell y ’all friend she knows where her shit is at if she wants it,” I said as I opened my front door. Usually, I would go back on my word and cave into their demands, but it wasn’t happening this time. Beyonce was going to face me one way or the other. They walked past me without saying anything else. I knew they were mad, but so was I. The only difference was I was the only one who had a reason to be upset 

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