Chapter 8 (Beyonce)

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“Girl can you please stop crying for every damn thing. It’s not the end of the world,” Kelly said as she tried her best to comfort me. It may not have been the end of the world, but it damn sure felt like it. One of my worst fears had just been confirmed. According to the stick that I’d just peed on, I was pregnant. If that wasn’t bad enough, I had no clue who was the father. There was no doubt it was either Jay or Micheal, but I had no idea which one it was. “You only took one test so calm down. These things aren’t always one hundred percent accurate. You need to make a doctor’s appointment and find out for sure,” Kelly said. I was feeling so many emotions right now, and embarrassment was at the top of the list. I always wondered how women got pregnant and didn’t know who the father of their baby was, now I was one of them. Even though I took my birth control faithfully, they still weren’t one hundred percent effective, and I was learning that the hard way. My cycle hadn’t come in about two or three months, but I couldn’t go by that. It’s been irregular ever since I started taking my birth control a few years ago. “I’m going to buy another test and see what it says,” I replied. “Just make a doctor’s appointment and find out for sure. That way they can tell you how far along you are,” Kelly said. “I don’t care how far along I am. I’m not having a damn baby,” I snapped. “You can’t be serious?” Kelly said looking at me sideways. “I'm very serious. First of all, I’ll be graduating in a few months, and I refuse to be at my graduation with a big ass belly. I also have my clinical training coming up soon. Most importantly, I don’t even know who the damn daddy is!” Those were reasons enough for me to do away with this pregnancy as soon as possible. “You are so fucking selfish!” Kelly said going off on me. “You really need to grow up. You knew what you were doing when you were having unprotected sex with two men at the same time. You made a stupid decision, and now you have to pay for it. It’s not the baby’s fault that things didn’t go the way you planned.” “But...,” I started talking, but she cut me off. “But nothing Beyonce. Suck that shit up and move on. Everything is not always about you!” She said seriously. “Even though you and Micheal are not together, you know for a fact that he would take care of his child with no problem. And as much as I hate Jay, I still can’t take away the fact that he’s a great father. You couldn’t ask for two better men as far as this baby is concerned.” That’s why I loved my best friend. She didn’t hesitate to put me in my place. She made some very good points, and I couldn’t deny the truth in her words. “I never thought I’d see the day when you had something good to say about Jay,” I said laughing. “There’s a first time for everything. He’s still the biggest man- whore I know, but he takes damn good care of his kids. I have to give credit where it’s due,” Kelly replied. “If this is his baby, I’ll never get rid of him,” I said sadly. “Well, that's one of the prices you have to pay,” Kelly replied. “So are you going to tell them?” She asked me. “Hell no, I’m not even one hundred percent sure myself.” “Girl you’re pregnant, and I don’t need a test to tell me that. You sleep all day, and you’ve been craving seafood for the past few weeks,” she chuckled. “I can’t believe my stupid ass was out there fighting while I could possibly be carrying a baby,” I said shaking my head. A few days ago I met Tori outside of her job and gave her the ass whipping of a lifetime. If it wasn’t for Kelly, I would probably be in jail for murder. I was sick and tired of her always doing something to hurt somebody, so I took all of my anger out on her that night. “It’s not like you knew that you were pregnant at the time. Besides, she needed that beat down in the worse way. Sad part is, it still won’t stop her from being ratchet ,” Kelly replied. “I know it won’t, but it felt good beating her ass down,” I laughed. “Well, let me get this phone book so we can see about making you an appointment as soon as possible,” Kelly said walking away. I was nervous, but at least I had one person in my corner, Kelly. I didn’t how I was going to tell not one, but two men that I was pregnant and either of them could be the father. As bad as I wanted to be back with Micheal, I was sure that hearing this news was only going to push him further away from me. Four days later and I was finally going to see a doctor. I ended up taking two more tests before I came, and they all said the same thing; positive. There was no need for me to be in denial any longer. I had to accept my fate. Kelly and I walked into an almost empty waiting room, and I was in awe. The room was beautifully decorated to resemble an infant’s nursery. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt a sense of comfort just by being in there. Dr. Gonzales was a private OB/GYN, who was deemed as one of the best according to my mother. I ended up telling my mama about the pregnancy not long after I took the first test, and she assured me that everything was going to work out. I was also thankful to her for keeping me insured. Since I was a college student, I was still considered as one of her dependents. The free clinics in our area were known for keeping you waiting up to four hours before you even saw a doctor. I experienced that with Janaé when she had her kids, and I was happy that I didn’t have to go through it thanks. “Good morning, can I help you?” The friendly receptionist asked when I walked up to her desk. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I’d see her before. “Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. Gonzales. My name is Beyonce Knowles,” I said as I signed into the log book. She stared at me for a minute before looking up my information in the computer. “Okay, you can have a seat. The doctor will be out to get you shortly,” she replied. “Why was she staring at you like that?” Kelly asked as we sat down. “I don’t know, but I know her from somewhere,” I answered. I picked up a magazine that was on the table and flipped through the pages. “I have something to tell you,” Kelly said out of the blue. I stopped looking at the book and looked over at her. I hated when she said shit like that because I knew it was going to be something I didn’t want to hear. “What?” I asked as my heart rate sped up. Before she had a chance to answer, the door opened and I knew just what she had to tell me. This time my heart wasn’t beating fast, it felt like it had stopped altogether when Micheal walked in. “ No, you didn’t,” I said through clenched teeth. “Don’t kill me, I’m sorry,” she said with a smirk on her face. I was pissed, and I didn’t find a damn thing funny. I planned to tell Micheal what was going on, but I wanted to do it when I was ready. Thanks to Micheal's mom, Arleen, intervening, he and Kelly were on speaking terms again. He was upset with her because Jay and I got busted in her house. I felt bad about their falling out, so I was extremely happy when they got back on track. “What’s up?” He said as he took a seat next to Kelly. She spoke back while I pretended to be engrossed in a magazine that I was still holding on to. I felt him looking at me, but I refused to acknowledge his presence. “Beyonce Knowles?” I heard coming from the rear of the clinic. I got up and proceeded in the direction where the doctor’s office was located. I expected Kelly to get up and follow me, but Micheal came instead. She laughed and shrugged her shoulders when I turned around and looked back at her. “Hi, I’m Beyonce Knowles,” I said when I was standing in front of the doctor. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Gonzales,” she said as she shook my hand. Micheal didn’t say anything, but he followed me when she led me to the back and into her office. Once we sat down, I answered the few questions that I was asked before having to take another pregnancy test. When Dr. Gonzales said she’d be right back, I almost wanted to beg her to stay so I wouldn’t have to be left alone with Micheal. I wasn’t ready to face my reality. “So why did I have to find out that you were pregnant through Kelly?” Micheal asked as soon as we were alone. “I specifically remembered you saying not to call or text you for anything or did you forget? And you never answered the few times I did try to call anyway,” I spat. “That’s bullshit and you know it. For something this important, you know I would have wanted to know.” “Well, now you know. It doesn’t matter who told you.” “I’m sure you don’t know, but I’m going to ask anyway. Which one of us is the father?” I knew that was coming sooner or later, but he was right; I didn’t know who the father was. “You’re right. I don’t know, but a simple blood test will solve the mystery once the baby gets here,” I said with an attitude. “I don’t want to have to wait until the baby is born to find out if it’s mine. I can’t go through all these months of guessing,” he replied. “Well, how else are you going to find out?” I asked looking at him crazily . “As a matter of fact, why are you even here? You could have stayed in the waiting room just like Kelly did.” Dr. Gonzales came back into the room before he had a chance to answer, and I was more than happy when she did. “Okay, so you are definitely pregnant,” she said upon entering the room. As if I didn’t know that already. “I want to do an ultrasound so we can see just how far along you are,” the doctor said. “Can I ask you a question?” Micheal asked her. “Sure you can,” she replied with a smile. “Can we get a paternity test done before the baby is born?” He asked embarrassing me. Dr. Gonzales looked uncomfortable for a minute, but she quickly regained her composure and answered his question. “Um, yes you can, but I really don’t recommend it. The procedure is called amniocentesis, and it does pose a slight risk of miscarriage which is why I don’t suggest doing it,” she explained. “Once the baby is born you can get an expedited DNA test done, and the results come back within 24 hours .” “Okay, thanks,” he replied seemingly satisfied with the answers he received. After taking a sonogram, I found out that I was eight weeks pregnant. Micheal seemed more interested in what was going on than I did, but he tried to play it off. I didn’t ask the doctor any questions, but he had a million. After she answered so many questions, she finally gave him a bunch of pamphlets to read. “Okay, I’ll see you back in about four weeks. Make sure you schedule your next appointment with the receptionist” Dr. Gonzales said as she saw us out. Kelly was still sitting in the waiting room when we came out. She was asking me questions about what the doctor said, but I didn’t get a chance to answer her. Micheal took over and told her everything that took place from the minute we got in the room. He even told her what the doctor said about the paternity test. I didn’t know if it was my hormones kicking in or what, but I was ready to get away from his ass. I walked up to the receptionist desk to make an appointment for next month with Micheal and Kelly close behind. “What's up Mike?” The receptionist said speaking to Micheal. “What's up with you? I haven’t seen too much of you since you left the nursing home,” he replied. I looked at her name tag and everything was starting to come back to me. Lisa was a nurse that Tori worked with at the nursing home. I saw her there a few times when I went to visit Micheal. She was always so loud and common. She was also very messy, so I knew for a fact that she was going to call Tori as soon as we left. Jay was going to find out about this pregnancy whether I wanted him to or not. I just had to be prepared for it when he did.

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