Chapter 25 (Micheal)

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It was my wife’s graduation day, and I was probably more excited than she was. My family and some of hers made up the first two rows of the perfectly manicured lawn that our chairs rested on. When they called Bey's name to receive her degree I stood up in the chair and went crazy right along with the rest of my family. I was so proud of her, and I wanted the world to know it. Being eight months pregnant and graduating with the fourth highest GPA in your class wasn’t easy, but she did it. I know I was the loudest one out there, but I didn’t give a damn. “Miche sit down before you get us put out of here,” my mama said while grabbing my pants leg. “I’m not worrying about these people. I’m cheering for my wife,” I said while taking my seat. Kelly and my sisters were just as loud as I was. They had whistles and all of kinds of noise makers with them. Aside from them handing out degrees, everything else about graduation was boring to me. I sat there through another hour of talking before they finally started wrapping things up. Once it was over, I pushed my way through the crowd until I found my wife. “Congratulations baby, I’m so proud of you,” I said pulling her in for a big hug. “Thanks boo. I’m happy it’s over,” she said smiling. We walked hand in hand until we joined the rest of our family. After everybody exchanged hugs and well wishes, we were ready to leave. I wanted to give Bey a graduation party, but my mama talked me out of it. Her baby shower was only a few days away so she felt like that would have been too much work. Instead, I rented the banquet room of a restaurant, and we celebrated with food and drinks. Kelly and my sisters provided the graduation cake that rested in the center of the table. I was so happy all of this would be over soon. I knew Bey was tired, and I just wanted her to get some rest until the baby came. “Am I finally going to see the nursery today?” Bey asked as I sat another plate of food in front of her. She was definitely eating for two judging by the amount of food she’s consumed so far. She was also driving me crazy about seeing what my pops and I had done with the baby’s room so far. It took a while for me to convince her to let me have total control over decorating the nursery, but she finally did. She wanted to do a Mickey Mouse theme, but I wasn’t having it. “I told you that you could see it after the baby shower,” I replied. “That’s not fair that everybody’s seen it except me ,” she replied pouting. “That’s because they’ve been helping me put everything together,” I said. She was nosey as hell so I had to keep the door locked at all times. I know she was going to love it, and I couldn’t wait for her to see it. For the next few hours, we sat around and enjoyed spending time with our friends and family. When all of the food and cake was gone, we all went our separate ways.


Five days later, we were preparing the hall for Beyonce's baby shower. I didn’t know too much about decorating, but my mama had the place looking like a page from a book. The entire room was decorated in light blue, brown, and white. In the front entrance was a huge portrait of me and Bey that was taken a few weeks ago with the word “Congratulations” written at the bottom. Beyonce had already gotten her hair and nails done so all she had to do was get dressed and wait for me to pick her up. Kelly and my sisters were already here making sure everything was straight. We didn’t have to worry about food because that was being catered and served as well. My mama had also hired somebody to do a dessert table with all kinds of candy and sweets. There were two huge chairs that faced the guests that Beyonce and I would be sitting in. “You better go home and get dressed. There’s nothing left for you to do here. People are going to start arriving soon,” my mother said walking up to me. “I know and I’m about to leave. Beyonce is going to kill me if we’re late,” I said pulling my keys out of my front pocket. I took one last look around the hall before making my way to the exit. We had about an hour before it was time for us to return. I needed to take a shower and get dressed in that amount of time. When I walked in the house Beyonce almost knocked me down as she rushed up to me and gave me a big hug. “Baby it’s so pretty,” she gushed while shoving her phone in my face. I was pissed when I looked at the pictures of the baby shower that Kelly and my sisters had posted on Facebook and Instagram. Beyonce didn’t have to rush to see any of it because it was all over the internet. “They are so stupid. I can’t believe they put the shit on the computer knowing you would see it,” I said angrily. Those dummies had the entire invitation posted online. It was reasons like this that had me really starting to hate social media. “I’m not going to say anything. I didn’t even like or comment on any of it, so they don’t know I saw it,” she said smiling. “That’s not the point. That was a stupid move they made,” I replied. “I shouldn’t have even told you that I saw it grumpy. Go get dressed so we can go,” she said walking away. When I got upstairs and saw the clothes that she was planning to wear, and we had another problem that had to be dealt with. “Is this what you’re wearing?” I asked with a frown. I didn’t have a problem with the outfit because I’d helped her pick it out. My problem was with the heels that she planned to wear with it. “Yes, it’s the same outfit we picked out last week,” she replied. “I’m not talking about the outfit. I’m talking about these heels. What happened to the flats we picked out to go with it?” I asked. “That’s for me to change into if I’m tired of the heels,” she said smartly. “Hell no! You are not wearing any heels at eight months pregnant!” I yelled. “But it’s a wedge heel. They’re comfortable, and I can walk in them fine ,” she pleaded. “I don’t care; the answer is still no,” I said with finality. I wasn’t surprised when the tears started. For the past few weeks, any and every little thing made her cry. My mama told me it was because her hormones were off balance. I didn’t know what the hell it was, but I was ready for it to be over with. The pitiful look on her face when she cried was enough to make me cry too. “Baby don’t cry. I’m sorry,” I said as I pulled her in for a hug. “Listen, I have an idea. How about you walk in with the heels on and you can change into your flats after you finish taking pictures?” I suggested. “Just please stop crying.” “Okay,” she said still crying. I guess that wasn’t good enough, but I didn’t know what else to do. Then suddenly a great idea came to mind that I knew would cheer her right up. “I’ll let you see the nursery right now if you stop crying,” I offered. “Alright,” she hurriedly replied. She wiped her face, and the tears stopped just as fast as they started. “Well, damn,” I said laughing at how fast she regained her composure. She was smiling hard when I put the key in the doorknob and turned it. It didn’t even look like she had been crying just a minute ago. “Oh my God!” She screamed in amazement when I opened the door and walked her in. “You like it?” I asked, even though the look on her face told me she did. “Yes, I love it ,” she replied as the tears started up again. With the help of both of our mothers, I decided on the king of the jungle theme for the room. The colors stood out, and the title was perfect for the soon to be new edition to our family. My mama insisted on Bey having a rocking chair, so that was placed against the wall near the window. I wanted his name to go on the wall, but we weren’t sure what his name was going to be. Of course, if he was mine he was going to have me and my father’s name. I wanted him to have my name even if he wasn’t mine, but Jay's punk was going to make that almost impossible. “I’m going to take my shower while you look around. We need to get going in a minute,” I said walking out of the room.


Thirty minutes later we were walking in the hall full of baby shower guests. When I left an hour ago there was no one here, now every table in the room was filled. The table that held the gifts was filled to capacity with more gifts lining the floor around it. “Where in the hell are we going to put all of this stuff?” I whispered to Bey while we sat up front in our chairs. “I was thinking the exact same thing,” she whispered back. There was no way in hell we would be able to open all of these gifts today on top of opening over one hundred envelopes that held cash or gift cards. It was going to take several trips or several cars for us just to get it all to our house. “I see your sneaky ass is still wearing those heels,” I said when Bey returned to her seat. She’d been walking around for over an hour talking to everybody, but she had yet to put her flats on. Sometimes I don’t know why I even bothered when I knew I was going to give into her anyway. “You don’t miss anything,” she said laughing. I looked up and saw Kelly and my sisters rushing over to us looking scared and panicked. “We have a problem,” Kelly said to Beyonce and me . “What’s wrong?” I asked looking up at them. “Jay is outside. He’s acting a fool because no one will let him in to bring his gift,” she replied. “What! How in the hell did he even know about the baby shower?” I yelled. “He’s going to ruin everything,” Beyonce said as she started crying for the hundredth time today. “ No, he’s not, just calm down baby,” I told Bey while grabbing her hand. “I don’t know how he found out,” Kelly spoke up. “Everybody and their mama probably know since y’all posted the shit all over the internet,” I said to her and my sisters. “What’s going on?” My mama said as she rushed to Beyonce side along with my father. “Beyonce's ex- boyfriend is outside,” Kelly said. “That nigga must be crazy showing up here. He got my daughter- in- law all upset and shit,” my pops said going off. I stood up just as he motioned for his brothers to come over. “Y’all don’t leave out of here. Let the paid security handle that,” my mama told us. The hall we rented came with two paid police officers, but I really didn’t care about them. When I got close to the exit, I heard the commotion before I saw anybody. I heard the police telling somebody they needed to leave, but I couldn’t hear what the reply was. When I walked out the door and saw Jay and another man standing there talking to the police. When he looked up and saw me, the hate was written all over his face. He started walking in my direction followed by the man that he came with. Maybe he thought he intimidated me, but he really had the wrong nigga. It was one thing when Beyonce was my girlfriend, but it was a whole different ball game now that she’s my wife.

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