Chapter 13 (Tori)

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I’d been at the club for over four hours and had yet to make one hundred dollars. One of the regulars was having a party, and he requested who he wanted to dance for him. Of course, I wasn’t chosen, but that didn’t bother me too much. I was pissed because some of the other customers who weren’t a part of the party decided to join in with them as well, cutting the few tips we did get short. It was only about four of us who weren’t invited to dance, and we were being completely ignored. After a while of getting no action, I got fed up and decided to call it a night. When the club was popping, sometimes I wouldn’t get home until after three in the morning. Right now it was only a little after eleven, and I was about to leave. I went to the locker room and started changing into my regular clothes when Donna came in and started talking to me. Donna and I used to work at the nursing home together, and she was the one who got me on at the strip club. Her brother was a bouncer, so she knew just about everyone who came in. She wasn’t the prettiest girl I knew, but she had a shape that I would die for, so of course she was chosen to dance at the private party. “You’re leaving already?” She asked when she saw me getting dressed. “Hell yeah, I’m not making any money, so there’s no need for me to stay,” I replied. “Where’s Janaé?” She asked. “She’s spending the day with her kids,” I replied. At least that was what she told me. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t know or care where she was, but I held my tongue. Donna and Janaé were close, so I didn’t need her going back and telling her that I was talking about her. Donna was messy enough to do just that. I don’t know why, but Janaé had been acting kind of funny for the past few weeks. She never wanted to do any private shows with me, and we barely spoke when we did see each other. She was still living with Bentley and me , but she was hardly there unless it was to shower or sleep. “Oh, okay. I knew there was a reason she wasn’t out there making that money,” Donna said. “There’s not much money to be made. That’s why I’m going home,” I replied. “Girl you must be crazy,” Donna said looking at me. “I’ve made over six hundred dollars so far.” “ Well, I haven’t made a hundred,” I said honestly. “You’re a cute girl Tori, but you need to invest in you some butt injections or something. I told Janaé the same thing. Y’all work in a strip club the nicer your body is, the more money you make. Nobody is going to pay top dollar to watch y’all shaking them flat asses,” she said laughing. That must have been what she was doing because her ass was almost detached from her body. “Whatever, I don’t have a problem any other time,” I said defensively. “Alright, don’t get mad at me for telling the truth,” she said with her hands raised. I didn’t feel like going back and forth with her so I didn’t respond. Instead, I grabbed my duffel bag and headed for the back entrance. Since being caught off guard by Beyonce, I made sure I had my stun gun ready and waiting whenever I walked through the parking lot. I had to wear heavy makeup for two weeks to cover the black eye and bruises that I was left with after that fight. I walked to my car, looking in all directions until I was safely inside. I was so aggravated with the amount of money I made today. I just wanted to take a shower and get in my bed. Hopefully, the next day would be much better. I pulled up to our apartments and sat out front for a while. Sometimes I hated going inside because I never knew how Bentley was going to act. He had a million personalities, and I never knew which one was going to show up at any given time. Lately, it’s only been getti ng worse. He started staying out later than usual and some nights he wouldn’t even come home at all. When he was there, he hardly slept in the bed with me. He was always on the sofa or in the recliner. We had no sex life at all. The most action I’d seen over the past few weeks was when Janaé and I did our private shows. Since she’s been on her bullshit lately, even that had stopped. Even Terrell was acting like he was too busy these days. When I was breaking him off, he made sure he had time for me. Now I almost had to make an appointment to see him. After a while of feeling sorry for myself, I grabbed my bag and headed inside. It was almost midnight, so I knew Bentley wasn’t home if he planned to come home at all. As soon as I opened the door my nostrils were assaulted by a sweet smell I couldn't identify. I heard music playing in the dining room, so I made my way down the hall. I didn’t know what to expect, so I grabbed my Taser just in case I needed it. My heart was almost beating out of my chest the closer I got. There was a small flicker of light that came from the crack in the door. I heard voices, but I couldn’t make out who they belonged to. When I approached the door, I peeked inside before I opened it. That was a huge mistake. A huge lump formed in my throat as I saw Janaé dressed in nothing, but a thong and bra, dancing around the room to the music that was playing. Dressed in only his boxers, Bentley sat in a chair smiling, while throwing crumpled up money at her feet. It felt like I was stuck in place. My entire body was frozen with a mixture of rage and hurt. Janaé was the first real female friend I had or so I thought. I kept looking as she stopped dancing momentarily and grabbed something from the almost empty bookshelf . She walked back over to Bentley and got down on her knees. In her hand was a mirror lined with white powder that both of them wasted no time sucking up their nostrils. I was in total shock. Bentley tried to get me to do drugs several times, but I never did. Drugs were something I swore to never indulge in , especially since they were the reason I no longer had a mother. Just like Courtney, Janaé seemed to be a willing participant when it came to pleasing my man. I looked on as they made each line on the mirror disappear. I almost threw up when Bentley pulled her up and stuck his tongue down her throat. That was it. I’d seen enough. I kicked the door open with my foot and made it slam hard into the wall behind it. “What the fuck is going on in here!” I yelled as I flipped on the lights. As loaded as they were, it was hard for me to read the expressions on their faces. I didn’t know if they were shocked or scared. Bentley jumped up faster than he should have and went crashing to the floor. He was up just as fast as he went down and came rushing over to me. Janaé grabbed a pillow from the sofa and tried to cover her half naked body. “What are you doing home so early baby?” Bentley said while rubbing his nose. “Are you fucking serious right now Bentley? After everything I’ve done for you, and this is how you repay me?” I said between sobs. “And bitch I’m the reason why you’re not living under a fucking bridge!” I yelled as I charged towards Janaé. Bentley had pulled me back before I had a chance to get to her. “Stop Tori, it’s not even that serious,” he said laughing. “You think this shit is funny,” I yelled as I started swinging wildly on him. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head, preventing me from swinging on him. “Let me go!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The tears were blinding me, but I still had my eyes on my targets. “Calm down, and I’ll let you go,” Bentley said trying to hold me down. “I can't believe y’all did this to me,” I said crying my heart out. I was heartbroken. No matter who came and went, I was always there for Bentley no matter what happened. I knew he’d cheated on me before, but I never had to witness it. After a few minutes, I’d calmed down enough for Bentley to let me go. I was still pissed with him, but I turned my anger to my now ex- friend. “Get out! I don’t give a damn if you don’t have anywhere else to go. I want you the fuck out of this house now!” I yelled at Janaé. “Nah, she’s not going anywhere,” Bentley said calmly. I must have been hearing things because I know he didn’t just say what I thought he said. “What?” I asked. I wanted him to repeat himself just to be sure I heard the right thing. “I said she’s not going anywhere,” he repeated. “Are you serious? You're choosing her over me?” I asked in disbelief. “No, I’m not choosing anybody. I don’t want you to go either,” he replied. “You are out of your damn mind if you think I’m staying here with her. I want her gone,” I yelled. “Like I just said, nobody’s leaving,” Bentley said with finality. “I am,” I said praying that he would stop me. He knew I didn’t have anywhere else to go. “You were the one who wanted her to dance for me and now you’re pissed because she did it,” he said like this was a game. “You know this is not what I wanted. We were supposed to dance for you together at the club, not one on one in our house. Stop being so fucking stupid,” I yelled. “You better watch your damn mouth,” he said stepping closer to me. “Look, it’s either her or me. You can’t have us both. I’m not sharing a man,” I said looking from Bentley to Janaé. After all of the years I’ve put in with him, he better make the right choice, I thought. “Fuck this, I’m leaving,” Janaé said walking past us. I was about to get happy until Bentley reached out his hand and pulled her back. I was devastated. In a matter of months, another woman had managed to come in between something that it took me years to build. I was the same one who nursed him back to health a few weeks ago when Jay almost killed him with his bare hands. I was the same one who paid every bill in this house because his broke ass couldn’t afford to. As much as it hurt, I refused to shed anymore tears. I looked over at Janaé's smiling face, and I actually had murder on my mind. I knew that Bentley wasn’t worth it, but it was just the principal. “You just remember that leaving was your choice,” Benyley said as he started putting on his clothes. Just then, I remembered the Taser I slipped in my pocket right before I busted up their little party. I pulled it from my pocket and aimed it right at Janaé. Without even thinking about it, I pulled the trigger and watched as her body dropped to the ground and shook uncontrollably. “What the fuck!” Bentley said as he jumped up and came after me. I didn’t hesitate when I turned the Taser towards him and gave him a dose of electricity as well. His body fell to the ground. A puddle of his urine made its way to the floor right along with him. I didn’t look back when I grabbed my bag and ran for the door with only the clothes on my back. It was almost two in the morning, and I was driving around aimlessly with nowhere to go. I had a few dollars on me and a little more in the bank, but I didn’t want to spend it on a room. I didn’t know when I would be able to get my clothes so I would probably have to use that money to buy some more. I was back on speaking term with my family, but it was too late to call them or show up at their house unannounced. Jay wasn’t speaking to me, and I was too scared to call my uncle Shawn. Until now, I never realized just how alone I was. I didn’t have any real friends to call on in my time of need. Then just that quick, Terrell came to mind. I’d helped him out more times than I could count. Now it was his turn to return the favor. I scrolled through my phone until I came to the name “Tasha”. That was the name I had Terrell number saved under so Bentley wouldn’t get suspicious. I dialed the number and waited for him to pick up. “Hello,” he answered in a groggy, but angry voice. “Terrell, I know it’s late, and I’m sorry for calling, but I really need your help,” I said desperately. “Are you out of your fucking mind calling me this time of the morning,” he yelled. He sounded like he was wide awake now and fully alert now. “I’m sorry for calling so late, but I didn’t know who else to call. I have a problem.” “So, what does that have to do with me?” He yelled. I wanted to go off, but I really needed his help, so I decided keep quiet. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but do you think your sister would mind if I crashed on her sofa for a few hours. Bentley and I had it out, and I left. I just need to sleep for a few hours, and I’ll be gone, I promise,” I said all in one breath. “What! Girl you must be crazy. I barely have somewhere to stay, and you want me to ask if you can come here,” he yelled. “Terrell, please? I’ve never asked you for anything. Just do this one thing for me,” I begged. The phone went silent, and I assumed he was giving my request some thought. After another minute of more silence, I looked at my phone only to see that he’d already hung up on me. I was pissed, but most of all I was tired of every man in my life walking over me. All my life I’ve been a giver and every man I met had no problem taking whatever I had to offer. Bentley had already been on the receiving end of my wrath, now it was time for me to show Terrell that I was not the weak bitch that he took me for. I made a U- turn in the middle of the street and headed in the direction of his sister’s house. I knew the street, but I didn’t know the exact house that she lived in. Terrell would never let me pick him up in front of the house. As soon as I turned on the street I tried to look for anything that was familiar to me. I did remember Terrell saying his sister drove a silver SUV, so that was really the only clue I had. I drove down the block carefully looking on both sides of the street until I spotted what I was looking for. There was a silver Expedition parked in the driveway of a house near the end of the block. As I got closer to the house, I had to do a double take . I specifically remembered Terrell telling me his car had been repossessed, but here it was, parked on the opposite side of the driveway. There was no mistaking the all black Altima with the NOLA license plates that I knew without a doubt belonged to him. Now, I was livid. For the second time in just a few hours, I’d been played for a fool. Unfortunately for them, today was not a good day to piss me off. With my Taser in hand, I got out of my car and made my way to the front door. I hated to bring my drama to Terrell's sister’s house, but it was his fault. I decided to try calling him once again before I woke up the entire house, but of course he didn’t answer. I pulled on the storm door only to discover it was locked. I used my open palm to bang on the door while ringing the doorbell at the same time. He was going to learn today. It only took a minute before I heard someone fumbling with the locks on the door. As soon as it opened I was greeted with a scowl on the face of a very petite pregnant woman who I assumed was Terrell's sister. “Can I help you?” She asked with her hand resting on her hip. “Sorry to knock on your door so late, but can you call your brother to the door, please?” I asked politely. “My brother? I don’t have a brother,” she said looking at me like I was stupid. “Aren’t you Terrell's sister?” I asked. I was already dreading her answer. “No sweetie, I’m Terrell's fiancée. And who the hell are you?” She wanted to know. It was official. This was just not my day. I saw Terrell coming from the back of the house with fire in his eyes. He gently moved the pregnant woman to the side while he took her place at the door. He was saying something to her, but I couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying. I cringed when I saw how loving and sweet he was with her compared to how he always tried to man handle me. He gave her a soft peck on the lips before turning around to face me. “Get the fuck away from my house before I have you arrested!” He yelled when he stepped onto the porch. “I thought your car was repossessed and you were living with your sister. Nigga you lied about everything you told me,” I yelled. “If you didn’t want to be with me you could have just told me instead of lying.” “Man, I never wanted to be with you and I never told you that I did. I have a family. I’m getting married in a year, and my girl is about to have our first child in two months. You make it too easy for a nigga to lie to you,” he yelled making me feel lower than I already felt. I don’t know why these things always seemed to happen to me. I was a good woman who deserved a good man. The problem was I could never find one. “Wow,” was all I managed to get out after he revealed to me how he really felt. “So I guess you were using me all this time, huh?” “I never asked you for anything . You were the one always offering to do things for me,” he said pointing to me. “Yeah, but you never turned it down either,” I replied. “Look, do us both a favor and leave. Make this your first and last time coming around here,” he said. “Or what?” I asked defiantly. I was hurt and embarrassed. There was nothing more that he or anyone else could have done to me at this point. His girlfriend, or should I say his fiancée, came to the porch to see what was going on. I guess he decided to show out when he saw that she was watching. “Just get the fuck off of my property and don’t come back,” he yelled as he turned to walk away. Just like I did earlier, I reached in my front pocket and pulled out my Taser. “Oh my God!” Terrell's fiancée yelled as the electricity from my Taser sent him flying to the ground. I turned away and ran to my car when I saw her coming down from the porch. I jumped in my car and sped away as fast as I could. I had driven about five blocks before I had to pull the car over to regain my composure. My body shook uncontrollably as I cried what felt like gallons of tears. Just a few months ago it seemed as if things were looking up for me. Now I felt like death was better than the pain that I was experiencing right now. I guess all the wrong I’d done in the past was finally catching up to me, and I had to admit that it didn’t feel good.

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