Chapter 9 (Jay)

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I didn't know why the fuck Tori was blowing my phone, but she was wasting her time calling me. I was done entertaining her and all of the drama she came with. I was on my way to pick up my dad and my brother Ty to chill with them for a while. I had a lot on my mind, and I needed somebody to talk to. I’d been making a lot of stupid decisions lately, and I needed advice from somebody who would give it to me straight. Whether I was right or wrong, those were the two that would give it to me raw and uncut. They didn’t care if I got mad about it. I wasn’t going to have my kids until later today so we decided to go to Hooters for some food and drinks. “What’s up?” Ty said as he hopped in the back seat of my truck. “Man, Tori been blowing my phone up looking for you .” “Man fuck Tori!” I yelled as I waved him off. “She told me that her and ole girl had a fight the other day,” Ty said getting my attention. “Who?” I asked. “Beyonce,” he replied. “What!” I yelled in surprise. “What the hell were they fighting for?” I knew it was because of what Tori and I had done, but I wanted to see what she told him. “I don’t know. She just said they had a fight outside of the club where she worked.” “Well, I already know that Bey beat that ass. They can’t hang with her when it comes to fighting,” I replied. “She didn’t tell me all that, but she did say she had to talk to you about something important,” Ty replied. “Boy, call Tori and see what the hell she wants,” my dad said when he entered the truck. “She’s getting on my damn nerves.” “Damn, she’s calling you too?” I asked him as I pulled off. “I don’t know why you don’t answer your phone and talk to her yourself,” he said sounding aggravated. “I’ll call her back later,” I lied. I didn’t have any intentions of calling her back anytime soon. Tori was one member of my family I could do without. Ten minutes later, we were being seated at the fairly empty restaurant. It was the middle of the day, so the crowd was light. Our half dressed waitress took our food and drink orders as soon as we sat down. “So what’s going on with you and Courtney?” My dad asked when the waitress left. “You better stop playing with that girl’s feelings. If you don’t want her anymore leave her alone.” “Nothing’s going on with us. She knows we’re not together,” I replied. “But you keep sleeping with her. You’re sending her mixed messages. You can handle sex with no strings attached, but she can’t. Then you went and got another crazy one on your hands,” he said shaking his head. He was referring to Mya, a chick that I met when I was in a rehabilitation center a few months ago. She worked there as a receptionist, and we starting kicking it not long after I got there. She was on some bullshit about us being in a relationship lately, but I wasn’t feeling it. When I told her about my situation with Courtney and Beyonce, she seemed to be cool with it. Now she was one step away from being a stalker. She either called me day and night or she wanted to be with me all the time. Then, to make matters worse, I started sleeping with Courtney again, and she was back on that marriage counseling shit. She held out on me for a while, but when I told her that I wanted to try and work things out, she was all in. At the time, I really felt like I wanted to try again, but I’m still not ready just yet. In the back of my mind, I was still holding out hope that Beyonce and I would work things out eventually. I would hate to get back with Courtney only to put her through the same thing again. “He wants Beyonce. That’s why he’s not trying to get serious with nobody else,” Ty said almost reading my mind. “And you need to leave her alone too. She seems to be just as confused as you are,” my dad said. The waitress had come back with our drinks before I had a chance to respond. Right after I took the first sip of my beer, my phone started ringing. It was no surprise that it was Tori once again. As much as I didn’t want to answer, curiosity was getting the best of me, and I had to see what she wanted. “What Tori,” I said when I answered the phone. “Where are you? We need to talk,” she answered. “Don’t worry about where I am, just start talking. It better be important, the way you’ve been blowing up everybody’s phone.” “When’s the last time you talked to Beyonce?” She asked. “Why? I already know she whipped your ass if that’s what you’re calling to tell me.” “Whatever, but that’s not why I’m calling.” “Okay, so what do you want?” I asked getting impatient. “Did you know that she’s pregnant?” She asked me. I swear the world stopped spinning when she said that. I hadn’t talked to Beyonce since everything went down at Kelly's house a while ago, but if she was pregnant, she had a lot of explaining to do. The first thing I had to do was find out if what Tori said was true. “Who told you that?” I wanted to know. “My friend Lisa works at the doctor’s office. She told me that Beyonce and Micheal were in there yesterday, and she’s like two months pregnant,” she replied. I was speechless to say the least. If Beyonce was two months pregnant, there was a very big chance that the baby could be mine. Then to hear Tori say that ole boy was at the clinic with her pissed me off to no end. I just hope they didn’t think they were going to live happily ever after with a child that I was the father of. They had me fucked all the way up if they did. “Alright Tori, I’ll talk to you later,” I said hanging up the phone. The waitress came back with our food, but my appetite was gone. I needed to talk to Beyonce to see what was going on. Without a blood test, there was no way for her to convince me that she wasn’t carrying my child. “What did she want?” Ty asked me. He and my dad were looking at me waiting for my answer. It didn’t make sense to lie. Knowing Tori, my entire family would know about it before the end of the day. “She said that Beyonce is pregnant,” I replied lowering my head. “Awe shit; you better get yourself together boy. You got a crazy wife, another crazy ass girlfriend, and now you got somebody else pregnant,” my dad said fussing at me. “Wait,” Ty said holding up his hand. “I thought she was dealing with somebody else. You don’t know for sure if that’s your baby or not.” “Nah, but I’m damn sure gon’ find out,” I replied. Beyonce already knew I wasn’t that nigga to be played with. Since she still had my number blocked, I was going to pay her a visit. I didn’t know where she was staying, but that wouldn’t be too hard to find out. Getting at Beyonce was only one of the many problems that I would have to deal with. When Courtney found out, it was going to be a real disaster.

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