Chapter 28 (Jay)

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I was out with Mya when I got the call from the lab. According to them, there was zero chances I could have fathered Beyonce's baby. I was really hurt because I knew that it was really over between us. I hated that her new husband was walking away with everything. He already got the girl, and now he had the baby too. I always thought I would be the one to win Beyonce's heart in the end, but I was sadly mistaken. I never loved a woman the way I loved her, and it hurt to know that she didn’t feel the same way. It was cool though because I was done with it all. Another woman would never capture my heart the way she did, and that was a promise I made to myself. I was doing me from now on no matter who didn’t like it. I was also done playing with Courtney. I had my lawyer to draw up some more divorce papers, and she had already been served. I didn’t want to go to counseling or anything else that she could think of. I was officially done with being with one woman, including my wife. She’s been blowing my phone up like crazy, but we didn’t have anything to talk about besides the kids. Mya was also trying to secure her a spot, but there was none for her to claim. She wasn’t the only one I slept with, and she would never be the only one. Unlike Beyonce, Mya didn’t mind being the other woman. She was glad to play any position just as long as she was on the team. She was too clingy, and that was what I hated about her the most. Before everything happened with Tori, she and Mya started getting close. I was happy it came to an end before it went too far. I didn’t need her using my cousin as an excuse to come around all the time. I wanted to be bothered only when I felt like it. It just so happened that today was her lucky day because we made plans to get a room and chill. I was on my way to bring my kids to their grandmother before I picked her up from work. Courtney sent me a text telling me where to bring them because she wasn’t home. Texting was the only way for her to get in contact with me because I never answered her calls. I pulled up to my soon to be ex- mother- in- law ’s house and helped my kids carry their bags inside. Brenda always spoke to me, but I could tell I wasn’t her favorite person. She thought I did her daughter so wrong, but her daughter wasn’t as innocent as she thought she was either. After saying my goodbyes to my babies, I hopped in my truck and headed to go pick up Mya from work.

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