Chapter 1

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I'm not good with spelling or grammar so if there are any errors then feel free to correct me. 
There might be swearing tbh I forgot if there is or not. Panic attacks? I don't know what a panic attack is like so I don't know if there is one but yeah.

Anne's POV:
I was running. I didn't remember what I'm running from but I know I did something I shouldn't have done. "HEY KID!" one of them shouted. I turned onto a different street and then turned again so I run down an alley. I hid in a corner next to a dumpster so I couldn't be seen. The shouting started to drift away.

The shouting soon stopped and I still didn't move. I reached into the pocket of my dark green jacket and pulled out a few small chocolate bars and a bag of crisps. 'I stole?' thoughts started racing through my head but were cut off by the sound of footsteps in the ally. I shut my eyes and tried to stay calm.
"hello?" it sounded like they were a girl. I opened my eyes slightly, there was a light. I knew they had found me. My breathing started to become faster and faster. I was sure I could be heard. "hey are you okay- wait, Anne?"

I looked up at the person in front of me. "Aragon." I looked away. I didn't like her, in fact I hated her.

"what are you doing out at 10pm on a school night?" I panicked and turned the question back on her, "I could ask you the same thing."

She crouched down so we were level. I pressed myself against the wall behind me in fear. "are you alright?" she put her hand out almost like she wanted me to take it. I didn't respond, I was frozen in fear, I couldn't move.

"Anne can you hear me?" she was worried about me? I nodded slightly. She took my hand and pulled me so we were both standing. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed, I didn't mean to, I was scared, I didn't want to be found.

"relax annie, I won't hurt you. I'm going to bring you to your house." her voice was soft.

"What makes you think I want to go back?" I said, my voice sour.

She took my hand again and started to leave the alley, I tried to pull away but I wasn't strong enough. "stop struggling. I'm not letting you stay here."
she stopped but didn't let go of me. "I can't leave, they'll find me." I wisperd. She turned to face me with a worried look.
"why not?" I took the food I stole out of my pocket. "I don't remember it happening but I don't have any money and I didn't buy these." I awansered, my voice slightly above a whisper.
"why did you steal?"

"I.... My mother didn't let me eat... I snuck out and I'm not going back." I looked down at the floor, focusing on my old, black converse. She let go of my hand.

"Anne, you can come to my flat with me. You'll be able to eat and you won't have to go back to your house. Do you want to?"
I nodded, There was no chance that I was going back to my house.

Catherine's POV:
I was concerned about Anne. I took her hand, this time she didn't protest so I led her across the town to the block of flats I lived in.

We entered my flat. Anne and I walked in. She seemed anxious.
I smiled at her and she walked over to the sofa and sat down.
"hey Anne do you want something to eat?" she got up and followed me to the kitchen.

I asked her what she wanted but she didn't say anything. "do you like pasta?" she nodded. "would you like to eat it?" Anne shook her head. I opened the fridge. Her eyes lit up when I took out strawberries from the fridge and ice-cream from the freezer. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" she nodded again.
I scooped some of the ice-cream into 2 separate bowls and chopped up some strawberries and added them. I walked over to a cupboard and grabbed the chocolate sauce. I put some on my ice-cream. "do you want some?" I asked, getting a nod in response. We sat and ate our ice-cream.

After we finished I went to my living room and Anne followed. After about an hour of Anne not speaking at all I started to get worried. "Anne?" she looked up at me, smiling. "are you ok? You haven't said a word since we left the alley."

Anne's POV:

I went to open my mouth to speak but I didn't make a sound. I started to panic, repeatedly attempting to speak but failing each time. I felt an arm around my shoulder and then I was pulled into a hug. "it's alright Annie, I'm here." I sighed. I didn't understand why I couldn't talk but I wanted to find out. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened an app.
I can't speak. At first I was just to scared but now I can't make a sound.
"Annie, I think you're just so scared that you can't talk." I froze.
How am I supposed to speak if I'm practically parrlized with fear?
Catherine looked at me with a worried look. I'm sure that she almost started crying.

Catherine? Are you alright? You look like your about to cry.

Catherine looked at me she smiled at me and tears started rolling down her face. I felt awful for making her cry. She pulled me into a hug, burring her face into my sholder. "c-cath?" I manage to say quietly. She looked up at me, smiling. "Annie you spoke." she started crying again, I gave her a worried look. "don't worry. Happy tears" I nod and yawn,
Catherine yawned as well. "come on Annie Let's go to bed." we walked to her room. "hey Annie?" she looked at me, "are you okay with shearing a bed?" "y-yeah." my face went red, I hoped that she didn't notice it.

Catherine's POV:

Anne bushed as soon as I asked. "okay, you can borrow a pair of my pajamas, you really shouldn't sleep in those clothes." I walked over to my wardrobe and took a pair of pajamas out and gave them to Anne. She went and got changed in the bathroom while I got changed in my bedroom.
A phone wrang after we where both changed. "I-I think that's mine." Anne said taking her phone out of her bag and awnsering, I could only very slightly hear the other end of the conversation.
"ANNE BOLEYN!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" it sounded like a woman's voice. "I.... I'm with a friend, mother." Anne sounded nervous, she was shaking a bit as well. "you come home right now!" Anne was starting to cry a bit. "N-no you'll only hurt me!"
"Annie? Do you mind if I speak to her?" I asked quietly. Anne nodded and gave me the phone.


"who is this!?"
I let out an annoyed sigh and said, "my name is Catherine aragon. I'm Anne's friend from school." I said politely, I knew being nice wouldn't work but I didn't want to seem rude until needed.
"why do you have my daughter!?"
I groaned.
"I found her in an aley. She said that she doesn't get fed enough so I bought her back to my flat and gave her some food and a place to stay. She was terrified, so terrified that she could barely speek."
"thats her fault that she miss behaved if she didn't she would have gotten dinner."
I was Getting angry and I guess  Anne could see that because she took her phone and put it on speaker.
"I didn't do anything wrong mother." she said quietly.
"did you clean the house!?"
"I-I did what I could.... I had next day homework to do and exams to revise for." Anne was on the verge of tears, so I took her hand and pulled her into a hug.
"that's no excuse, your just lazy, you didn't feel like doing the work so just made up a random excuse!"
At this point I'd hade enough and I snaped "sorry if this gets to mutch Annie." I whispered quickly before going ballistic at her mother.

"I am in Anne's classes and exams are coming up and we did have next day homework so she has every right to drop the housework and study to have a good future and if you can't exept that your child wants an education then maby you shouldn't be a mother at all!" I screamed at her with Anne crying into my shoulder with her hands over her ears, I hung up and hugged her. "I'm sorry for shouting, I didn't mean to upset you or trigger anything, I just got mad at your mother for treating such a wonderful girl in that horrible way"

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