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It's time people. The moment you've all been waiting for. Aralyn time.



School. Date: Friday 11th October/year:2020 (in a world without covid-19)

Anne sat up in her chair (backwards) as her maths teacher rambled on about algebra.
"Anne boleyn? What's the awnser?"

'fuck fuck fuck fuck.'

"ummmmm" anne felt someone tap her, she looked to her side.

"ummm 7b?"

The teacher nodded and moved on.
"thanks Cath." she wispered, "your welcome" cath puts her nad on Anne's shoulder, "shortie." Cath goes back to listening to the teacher.
Anne's face heats up but she ignores it.

After class, lunch, 1:10
Anne's pov:

I see Anna walk outside. I grab her arm and pull her to the side. "I need to talk to you, Anna."

Anna smiles at me and I get a bad feeling, "promise you won't get mad?"

Anna nods and I take in a breath,
"look, I love you, but not in the same way as I did. I feel differently to when we started going out." Anna looks like her world is about to break, I feel horrible but if it doesn't feel right then you shouldn't continue.

"can we be friends? Bestest of friends? I..... Someone once told me 'if it doesn't feel right it will hurt you to continue.' I don't want to hurt you but I don't wanna get hurt either."

Anna nodded and smiled, sadly.

I smiled slightly and held out my hand, "friends?"

She smiled and took my hand, "best friends." she pulled me into a hug and we walked back into caff to get lunch.


I know it's short. There'll be more though

Aralyn  High school AU (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now