Make 'em Jealous?

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So you can probably guess by the title what's gunna happen.
And if you read this book for Araleyn and/or clevemour then you'll enjoy this chapter..... Maby

Get your supper glue ready, you'll need it.

Alot of swearing and a few references

"this is great. just FUCKING GREAT!" Catherine was with Jane and the pair where just complaining about clevelyn.

"I know! Anna seemed like she liked me but she didn't!?" Catherine then got an idea and she smirked, looking up at Jane.
"what if we make 'em jealous?" Jane looked up at the taller girl,
"right like that's gunna work dumb ass."

"Jane. You like Anna?"

"yes you dumb ass. It's pretty fucking obvious."

"jeez Seymour calm down.
Eather way, I like Anne, you like Anna."

"Yes Catherine. I. Like. Anna. Cleves."

"so we could pretend to date and make them jealous of us and then they brake up and go out with us!" Jane just looked at Catherine.

"okay Seymour don't stare at me like that........ Jane! Stop! Dammit." Jane stated at her for a little longer before bursting out in laughter with Catherine just sitting there extremely confused.

"what? Why are you laughing blondie!?" Jane changed her expression from dying of laughter to sirious in a matter of seconds and Catherine was terrified of Jane (a̶n̶d̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ h̶a̶s̶ b̶e̶e̶n̶ b̶u̶t̶ s̶h̶h̶h̶) because of that.

"don't call me blondie Ari. But yeah, I'll help you."
Catherine smiled.
Jane quickly mumbled.


"nothing :)"

The pair sat in silence for a minuet before Jane spoke.

"so how are we gunna do it?"
They sat and planned how they where going get clevelyn to break up, Jane wanted to lock Anne and Catherine in a closet together, witch Catherine turnt down because nothing would happen and Jane said, and I quote, "what are you a bottom or something?" this pissed Catherine off and she pinned Jane to a wall to prove her point. Jane just slipped under her arm and pushed her over and walked off, they decided that they would pretend to date and see how jealous that would make them.

~the next day~

Catherine and Anne turnt up at school. Anne went to find Anna to tell her that she's getting her cast off in 5 weeks and 4 days. Catherine went to find Jane so they could put their plan into action.

With clevelyn

"Anna!" Anne went over to Anna and attempted to hug her.
"careful Annie, your leg." Anna wrapped her arms around the taller girl, "tall ass. I was taller then you untill year 8 then you shot up and became a fucking giant." Anne giggled and Anna let go of her.

"its not my fault that your so small Anna." Anna just smiled and walked to their form room.

"elevatoooorrssss." Anne said, getting her key out of her pocket and handing it to Anna, who unlocked the elevator and they waited for it to get there. "hey Anne?"

"yeah?" Anna smirked,
"wen the elevator gets here, race you to S." Anne shook Anna's hand, "deal." the elevator got there and they started the race, Anna sprinted up the stairs and Anne just waited for the elevator to get to S (2nd floor), Anna won.

"FUCK! Anna don't stand outside the elevator you scared the living shits out of me!" Anne complained while Anna was trying to breath from ruining up the stairs and laughter. "Anna calm down. BREATH SHORTIE!" Anna caught her breath.
"I'm not that short." Anne smirked, "how tall are you?"

Anna thought for a moment,
"5'5, why how tall are you."

"5'7, shortie." Anne smiled like she was proud of herself.

"ANNNNNIIEEEE!!!!" Anne looked over to her cousin, "KitKat!!" kat ran over to them and Anne took a sharpie out of her pocket, just as Catherine and Jane walked past, "ANNE? WHERE DO YOU KEEP GETTING THE SHARPIES FROM!?" Anne laughed at Catherine, who walked over with Jane, and gave the sharpie to Anna. "do you wanna sign my cast shortie?" Anna nodded, "sure, tall ass, I'll sign your cast." Jane got jealous from the name and grabbed Catherine's arm. "Wha- Jane!?"
"their making me jealous. What was I meant to do!?"

Anna finished writing on Anne's cast. 'get better soon tall ass, sencerly me - shortie.' Anne tried to look at her cast, and failed.

"I can't see it." Anna smiles and takes a picture of what she wrote. "awwww!!! Love you Anna!"

"love you to, Bo."

" 'Bo'?" Anna smiled, "yeah like 'Boleyn' just shortened.... Do... Do you like it?" Anne stared at Anna for a minuet, making her uncomfortable, before awnsering, "Of course I like it."

Catherine and Jane were getting more and more jealous and Catherine couldn't take anymore.



I'm just gunna stop there.
Well hope you enjoyed this mess of a chapter

Untill next time

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