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Swearing, murder threats, thomas, mentions of henry

Thomas culpeper, her primary school teacher, probably running around for Henry.

"hello Boleyn.". I heard a small whimper somewhere behind thomas. He threw a book in that direction and turnt back to me.

"what do you want culpeper?!"
He laughed, "do as I say and the people you care about will survive." I heard anothet whimper.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted behind him and the whimpers stopped.

"Who do you have!?"
He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to a wall, pinning me against it. "do as I say Boleyn."
He let's me go and I hear a scream, a familiar scream.

Thomas has a girl by the wist and is holding her in front of me.

"KATHERINE!?" I shout in shock.
"WHY DO YOU HAVE MY COUSIN!?" I put my hand in my pocket and send my location to Anna hoping that she'll come and help us.

"An-Annie. H-help me." she was crying but if I moved he'd do something to her.

A few minutes pass and I hear footsteps getting closer. Thomas drops kat and runs to the entrance of the ally with a knife in hand.

Kat gets up as quick as she can and runs towards me.

Anna's POV:

My phone buzzed.

"Anne sent me her location....."
I thought about it for a moment
"FUCK, SHE'S IN DANGEROUS SHIT!" I grab my boots and slip them on and I grab Anne's green jacket as it was closest to me and sprint towards that location.

I call the police on the way and explained what I knew of the situation.

"Anne help me." I just about manage to hear. There's a thud and I hide behind a bin.

'being somewhat small comes in handy sometimes' I think as I look round the bin slightly.

"Thomas.....  Culpeper, knife, ally, Costa, kings square holding 2 girls hostage in an ally" Thomas looks towards the bin and I turn around. "come quick I think he saw me and he has a weapon."

The police hang up and I stay as quiet as I can as I hear footsteps aproching me, I start shaking slightly.

"come out. I know your here. Who sent you? Did boleyn contact you. No she wouldn't of had time, unless you came with her." I stayed quiet and he got dangerously angry

That's when sirens where heard, thomas runs off and the police cars chase him.

I ran into the ally to find kat and Anne curled up together. Anne was trying to calm down Kat, who looked like she had just been traumatised.

"Anne, Kat?" Anne and Kat held onto each other even tighter and I decided to text Cathy.

Anna: hey Cathy?

Cathy: have you seen Kat!? She left a little while ago and hasn't come back!

Anna: yeah, she and Anne were with Thomas culpeper, he took Kat. Anne's protecting kat and kat seems traumatised.

Cathy: send me your location, I'm coming to collect Kat.

I sent Cathy my location.
"Annie, Kat? It's Anna, I've texted Cathy. Your safe now." Anne looks up at me, "she won't move or speek, she's just shaking, she's only asked for Cathy."
I nod.

5 minutes later

I stand at the entrance of the ally and I see Cathy bolting it down the street, tripping over air every once in a while.

"ANNA WHERES KITTEN!?" kat shoots up and sprints to Cathy and Anne walks over to me.

We called Catherine and asked if we could join them, they said it was okay so we headed over to Catherine's flat

So.. time to mix some things up

Aralyn  High school AU (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now