I need to relive my teens for a day before that's gone.

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"Come on in." George said to me when he answered the door. I gave him a nod and followed him down the hallway and into the living room. Sometimes it's still a little weird that Alyssa doesn't stay here anymore. I still feel like I'll run into her in here and have weirdly awkward conversations, despite the fact we see each other almost every day at this point.

"So are you ready for this hardcore gaming session we're about to start?" I asked George. He nodded enthusiastically as he sat down on the couch.

"Nessa is out today so we have a lot of time before she's back but she has been told this is what we're doing today." George said grabbing a controller. He got his mum to send down his old Nintendo 64 with a bunch of games we used to play while growing up. "The fridge is stocked up with snacks and beer."

"Good." I nodded. "We can order pizza later too."

"This was a good idea mate, I'm glad you suggested it." George said.

"Well I'm going to be a dad soon, I need to relive my teens for a day before that's gone." I chuckled.

"It won't be gone." He rolled his eyes. "You just need to be a bit more responsible but it doesn't mean we can't fuck around a bit from time to time."

"You know what I mean." I laughed.

"I know." He smiled. "Right let's get this marathon started, if we want to get through as many games as we can."

"Let's go." I picked up the other controller from the table and we begun playing the first game on the list. Super Mario.



"I think it's really nice how welcoming you were when you first met me." Nessa said to me. "I thought you were going to be really apprehensive like most girls are when a new lass comes along."

"I'd been hanging around those lads for so long by that point I was just happy to have another women in the picture." I chuckled, taking a sip of my Starbucks.

"I get that, when you were gone last year it was hard for me at times because they were so fucking annoying." She rolled her eyes. "All I had was Holly for a little bit but she wasn't the most fun to be around."

"Did I tell you I ran into her a few weeks ago?" Nessa's eyes widened and she shook her head. "I thought I mentioned it but honestly my head's been all over the place."

"What happened?" She asked.

"She just thought it was a slap to the face that after all this me and Matty didn't even get back together." I shrugged.

"Well I see where she's coming from." Nessa smirked at me. "If y'all are gonna make a baby then why not just get back together."

"I just tried to get out of the conversation as easily as I could without causing anymore problems." I skimmed past what Nessa said.

"Well good for you." She nodded. I started to feel a little weird, like small pains in my abdomen. I tried to ignore it.

"Yeah." I nodded. "So have you and George discussed anything about when you want to get married yet?"

"Actually, yes." She grinned. "It's a bit soon but we're thinking June."

"Like next year June?" I was shocked.

"I know." She nodded. "But we don't want anything big, we both just kinda want to get it done and because of the album just being released, they're gonna be touring a lot so we found a weekend in June where they're going to be home for a bit so we figured that worked best."

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