1: Emotions Can Be So Very Deadly

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Jade's face was damp from her tears even though she tried she couldn't stop her eyes from weeping. She rubbed her eyes slightly so she could at least attempt to make out what was in front of her. To quiet her wild thoughts, she picked up the knife and dug it slightly into her hand. You would think there would be a reaction but it was as if she was numb to the pain. She put a few drops of blood onto the pentagram and began chanting.

"Hear me, demon lord Diavolo, I summon you. To grant a wish in exchange for my soul"

Once she finished chanting she kneeled down and as if on command a man appeared before her. Well, he looked mostly like a man but had black horns, wings sprouting out of his back, and muscles for days! Jade shook her head slightly as if trying to shake her thoughts away. A deep voice made her look up at the face of the demon before her.

"What is this wish you want me to grant? Honestly, I'm surprised someone so young would have the guts to summon me...aren't you scared?"

Jade tilted her head "Not exactly, intimated is more the word for it" she looked into his eyes before sighing "I wish for you to take me away or to kill me whichever takes to your liking more. Both of them take to my ultimate wish which is to be taken away from this place" She bites her lip nervously and looks at her lap.

Diavolo looks down at the human.
"She seems too young to want to be taken away..." He thought to himself and he began noticing himself feeling sympathy towards the small being.

"I will not kill you." Jade looks up in surprise? No, it's almost as if she's disappointed? That can't be it, right?

"I have a small proposal for you. I want humans, angels, and demons to get along. So you will become the foundation of my project, basically an exchange program. It will last a year, if at the end of the year you still wish to make this deal then so be it but I hope for otherwise. I'm doing this as it works in my favor. " Chuckling slightly he mutters " Saves me from having to look through all the paperwork"

"Who thought the demon lord would be so lazy" Jade giggled to herself before thinking about what has just been saying. Her face becomes serious again as she looks at him once again.

"I accept" She whispers so quietly that if Diavolo had been human he wouldn't have heard but lucky for him he wasn't, obviously. Jade's mind was going mad, her anxiety was building up quite quickly but she decides to ignore it.

"Good then we'll be on our way then"

"Wait wha-"

There was a flash of light before they appeared in some sort of courtroom. Diavolo held his hand out for Jade to grab. She took it carefully and then stood up.

A man was standing before her. He looked rather annoyed as he stared her down with a gaze that could destroy armies.

"And who might this be?"

Authors note

Hi! So this is basically my way of coping so some of the topics throughout may be a bit triggering so I'll make sure to put trigger warnings. I tried researching how to summon a demon but I couldn't find any similar to the way I wanted to portray it so I'm sorry if it's not very accurate.

I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to try posting (?) regularly but it won't be a certain day or amount of times each week, it'll just be when I want to. :)

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