5:The Seven Brothers

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"I suggest we go from oldest to youngest when introducing ourselves. So I'll start. Im Lucifer, Avatar of Pride as you already know. Im the oldest of us brothers." Lucifer then sits down and looks at Mammon.

Mammon groans "What ya starin' at, huh?" He sighs "Im Mammon, Avatar of Greed. I think that pretty much says what im about. Im the second oldest and apparently i have to take care of ya so dont piss me off, you got that human? "

Lucy dramatically rolls her eyes "It's seems like that should be the other way around"

Mammon was about to go off on a tangent but Levi quickly cut him off. "Im Leviathan but you can call me Levi. Im the Avatar of Envy and the third oldest. Im an otaku, not that a normie like you would know what that is." He sighed and rested his head in his hands.

Lucy eyes glistened "Omg youre an otaku too! That's so cool. I'm slightly offended you thought i was a normie though but I'll let it slide for now." She paused and tried to think about which animes they may have both watched "Do you watch TSL?"

Levi tried speaking but it came out as a high pitched squeal.

The demon with blonde hair and greens eyes looked up from his book and just sighed "Okay calm down Levi. You got him all worked up. Anyway, Im Satan, the Avatar of Wrath and im the fourth eldest. I enjoy reading." He then proceeded to look back down at his book. Levi was still fanboying and managed to short circuit his brain but this at least meant it'll be quieter for a little while.

Asmo turned towards Lucy. He had caramel, pinkish brown hair that covered one of his reddish, yellow eyes. "Im Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust." as the word "lust" escaped from his lips he winked at Lucy, making her blush. The exact reaction he wanted from her. "I'm the fifth eldest and i love...myself and anything beautiful basically."

Lucy looked around the table

"So there's only the food guy and the sleepy dude left."

The orange haired brother put down his food for a second and began to speak. "Im Beelzebub but just call me Beel. Im the Avatar of Gluttony and im the sixth eldest. I really love food."

As he said food he began drooling and continued the stuff his face.

"Damn that man is an eating machine" Lucy muttered to herself causing most the brothers to lightly chuckle.

Beel nudged the last brother awake, who awoke rather irritated. This brother had blueish grey hair with white strands at the ends and violet coloured eyes, simular to Beels. He yawned.

"I'm Belphegor but you can call me Belphie if you like. I'm the Avatar of Sloth and the youngest of us brothers as well as Beels twin" and with that he layed his head back on the table to drift back to sleep.

"In the human world, lots of people say sleep is for the weak. Just thought I'd let you guys know." Lucy giggled

Belphie was fast asleep but the rest of brothers at least got a laugh out of her comment.

"Now the introductions are done, we are going to show Lucy around Devildom. So all of you quickly get ready so we can be on our way as soon as possible." Lucifer arose from his seat and left the room to go get his coat.

"Thank god Im pretty much ready. It gives me time to drink my coffee." Lucy took a sip from her coffee as she watched the demons around her groan, all except Belphie and Asmo. This was due to the fact, Belphie was asleep so he has no idea of anything happening and Asmodeus just wants to go shopping. Levi was outraged, he's going on about some new game he's needs to play. Lucifer was having none of his bullshit though. No one disobeyed Lucifer is the thing Lucy is slowly beginning to realise.

"Maybe being the eldest also means he's the strongest or like the parent figure? Hm who knows?"

"Alright then it seems like everyone is ready to go." Lucifer then noticed Belphie and gripped his nose. "Someone please wake Belphie up."

Beel was about too but Lucy rushed over with a smug look on her face, leaving all the other brothers just utterly confused. She coughed and then began to scream the lyrics to Take On Me. Levi ,luckily, knew the lyrics as well since he was the ultimate meme lord so he joined in. Belphie screamed and fell onto the floor causing Lucy and Levi to burst into a fit of giggles. Everyone else just looked at Lucy and Levi with nothing other than disappointment. Belphie turned into his demon form and glared at Lucy with a murderous intent.

"Before you start throwing a fit Belphie, I suggest you remember we can't kill the human else Diavolos dream will be ruined and we don't want that do we" He gave Belphie a sickly sweet smile. "Now let's be on our way."

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