9:Deadly Nightmares

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~Small trigger warning. Implied non consentual stuff~

The room, to most people, would look simple and nothing out of the ordinary but it always managed to struck fear into Lucy's heart every time she saw it. The only source of light was a few candles placed in each corner of the room. This made it hard to see but Lucy could just about make out what everything was.

In the left hand side corner was a black leather chair with a coffee table beside it. A fire place, still smoking indicating it had recently been put out, was a metre or so away from the chair. Smoke drifted around the room causing Lucy eyes to water. A window, left open ever so slightly, was directly behind her. The icy cold breeze tickled the back of her neck and causes goosebumps to spread all over her body. To the righthand side of her was a painting, though it was always too dark for Lucy to make out what or who the painting was of. A grand clock stood proudly in the corner, the ticking echoing throughout the room.

Opposite Lucy was a door. Although it was black it always was the thing that stood out most in the dim room. Lucy stiffened when she looked at the clock, she could just about see the time, 00:59.

"It's almost time"

Lucy closed her eyes concentrating on the sounds around her. The ticking of the clock, the wind from outside and finally the footsteps. They were always slow, oh so very slow. Lucy's heartbeat quickened as the booming footsteps made there way closer to the door.

Lucy tried to move yet she didn't budge.

"Oh no"

Rope tightly knotted her hands, waist and feet to the chair. Being tied up was a grand new addition to the nightmare. Lucy tried to escape from the binds but the more she squirmed the more the rope burned against her skin. She hissed at the pain finally giving up.

Lucy froze, the footsteps had stopped. Shaking, she turned her head to face the door. Lucy stared at it as her breathing quickened. Even though she knew what was going to happen, fear always seeped its way into her.

Lucy held her breath as the door creaked open. Blood red eyes met hers as the mysterious person crept into the room. Lucy eyes followed his form as he walked towards the fireplace.

He may look like one but he definitely wasn't a man. Even if his eye colour didn't give that away, his predator like behaviour definitely would. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a suit that matched his eyes, obviously to make sure the blood of his victims didn't show. As far as his appearance goes, he look like an ordinary guy. But that devious grin of his made Lucy shiver every time.

He never tended to speak, well not until today that is. The man finished lighting the fire and turned around to look towards Lucy who decided that it was worth suffering the pain as she squirmed, trying to remove or at least loosen the rope. The man smirked and tutted.

"Now, now we both know you can't get out those binds."

He made his way towards her as Lucy stilled with a shocked expression on her face. The man chuckled and placed his hand under Lucy's chin.

"Oh, surprised I'm talking, hm? Well your in the Devildom now meaning i can do as i please as well as whatever I want with you."

His eyes travelled up and down her body as he licked his lips. He then smiled at Lucy, unsettling her even more.

"W-what do you mean, do whatever you want with me?"

He leaned in, nibbling on her ear before whispering

"Oh you'll just have to wait and see, love."

Lucy somehow gained some confidence as she whacked her head against him earning a growl in response

"Oh you'll regret that deary~"
Lucy finished explaining to Beel her nightmare, shaking the whole time. Beel hugged the girl tight, not knowing the correct way to respond after hearing all that.

"I- I just don't know what to do.."

Beel brought her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss upon it.

"Sshh I'll help you figure something out, I promise. We can go tell Lucif-"

Lucy violently shook her head.

"Please don't tell anyone else.."

Beelzebub sighed as he reluctantly nodded.

Lucy yawned "Beel...can you come and sleep with me in my bed? I don't want to be alone if i have another nightmare.."

Beel remained silent as he thought about it but before he could answer Lucy jumped out of his grasp.

"No no im sorry that was dumb to ask.." Lucy looked down at her feet but was quickly swept off them causing her to squeak.

Beel had picked Lucy up and was now carrying her in the bridal carry. He looked down into her eyes.

"I'll protect you."

Beel carried her to her room and placed her gently on the bed. Rushing over he closed the door, turning around to see Lucy curled up on the bed almost asleep. He smiled lightly and then climbed in wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close.

"Goodnight. Thank you, Beel."

Beel went to reply but was met with Lucy's small snores.

"Goodnight Lucy."

Unfortunately for Beel, he wasn't able to fall asleep as easily as Lucy. His mind was spiralling. He hasn't known this girl for long yet he feels so protective of her. Sure, anyone who was a decent person would have tried to comfort her in that situation but would they have gone to the same lengths as Beel did? Probably not. Still...maybe it's due to what just happened or the small behavioural patterns he's picked up on. He sighed as he peered down at the girl who was nuzzling into his chest.


He once again ran his fingers through her hair until he eventually fell asleep, intertwined with Lucy.

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