12: Jealousy doesn't look good on you hun

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The movie that was decided on was IT. Unfortunately for Mammon, he was terrified of clowns. Lucy, on the other hand, only seemed to mind the gore. Everyone else, except Asmo and Levi, stared at the film with blank faces. Levi would probably be screaming but all his attention was on his odd dating game.

"Oh. My. God. That guy is soo hottt." Asmo stared intensely at the screen, drooling. You could almost see sparkles floating around him. 

"Yeah....IT is soo hot omg. Let me smash that beast of a creature." Lucy giggled, winking at Asmo, who just glared at Lucy in a huff.

Mammon's eyes were looking intently between Lucy and the screen. He couldn't tell if her offer was genuine or just to tease him. Little did he know it was both. Lucy noticed Mammons glances, she wasn't blind and he wasnt exactly being subtle. She moved her gaze slowly over to Mammon, he was curled up and peaking out to look at the screen between his legs. Lucy smiled pitifully, rolling her eyes slightly before intertwining their hands.

"I told you to hold my hand if you got scared didn't I, baby boy?" A smirk tugged at her lips as she winked, moving her gaze back towards the screen

Mammon was stunned. To say he was embarrassed would be an understatement yet he didn't make any effort to pull away. He brought his free hand up to his face, desperately trying to hide his blush behind it. Due to him being so embarrassed he couldn't feel the murderous intent coming from not only Beel but also Lucifer.

Beelzebub pulled Lucy closer to him, glaring at Mammon. He couldn't exactly tell why he was so protective, it wasn't as if they were together. Beel sighed, trying to loosen up and put all his attention towards the movie. Lucifer on the other hand was not as good at hiding his annoyance. Satan and Asmo shared a concerned look before turning to see Lucifer with his arms crossed and staring right through Mammon. If looks could kill, Mammon would be as good as gone.

Lucy, somehow, was completely oblivious to all the jealous demons surrounding her. She just continued to stare at the TV, trying to ignore the feeling that someone or something was watching her. The evening continued on like that, Lucy kept teasing Mammon and each time both Beel and Lucifer sunk further into their crazed jealous state. 

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea" 

Once the credits appeared on the sceen, Asmo looked at Satan and nodded. Asmedous yawned loudly and using it as excuse to leave, Levi, Satan and Mammon quickly followed after him, wanting the leave the situation as soon as possible. Beelzebub let out a sigh of relief, thinking that everyone had left as he placed a kiss on Lucy's forehead. 

"Do you want me to stay with you again?"

Lucy blushed, shaking her head before gesturing over to Lucifer who looked as if he might explode. 

"I'll be leaving now, I expect you both to go to bed soon, in you're separate rooms" You could almost here the venom dripping out from his voice, making sure to stare both of them down. Lucifer then stormed out, slamming the door behind him

"Geez what's his deal. Anyway, no I'll be fine Beel plus I don't want Lucifer to kick your ass. If anything happens you'll be the first person I'll tell, I promise."

Lucy placed a kiss on his cheek before making her way to her room. Beelzebub traced over where she had kissed, smiling softly. 

"What is this human doing to me?" He shook his head, trying to escape his thoughts as he began walking to his and Belphie's room. 

this is shorter then usual but I wanted to post something plus it's enough to fit in for the idea I have for the next chapter

stay safe kids

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