3:The House Of Lamentation

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The cold air hit Lucy's body like a truck. Maybe it was due to her lack of warm clothing or maybe its because of the new environment. But all Lucy knew was that it was freaking cold. Rubbing her arms, she glanced towards Lucifer who eyes were fixated ahead of him. She sighed lightly and was literally vibrating from the cold.
"Isn't hell meant to be warm due to y'know...the fires that burn souls or something like that. Who knows" she snickered quietly then glanced towards Lucifer again, he seemed unbothered by the bitter cold but then again he is a demon. Lucy rubbed her hands together in hope of finding some warmth but fleetingly gave up hope so she tried to focus all her concentration on what's ahead of her.

Lucifer on the other hand was deep in thought and forgot about both Lucys presence and how cold it was as his mind was in shambles. So many questions but so little answers. Sure they may come in time but it's irritating and creeps under his skin. He rather dislikes being uninformed. Lucifer sighed then looks at the human walking beside him. His original plan to try and analyse her movements but that immediately got destroyed as soon as his eyes set upon the ghostly pale figure beside him. He had forgotten how sensitive and fragile humans were. Lucifer rolled his eyes before slipping out of his coat and wrapping it around her. She whispered a small thank you and snuggled into the cozy material. That almost made the so called cold hearted demon smile. But coincidentally at that exact moment they arrived at the House of Lamentation.

"Oh joy, time to introduce my idiotic brothers to the human. This is going to go swimmingly." He groaned which caused Lucy to jump leading to her tripping. Luckily, Lucifer caught her before she faceplanted the floor.

"Who knew humans were so pathetic" he muttered. Lucy just pouted.

"wHo kNeW hUmaNs wEre sO pAthetic" she mumbled back, mocking him like a child.

Lucifer looked at the human curiously and leaned forward to whisper in her ear "I'll admit you have some guts to speak to a demon like that but listen closely when i say this. Mocking me will get you no where" The last part came out as a kind of growl.

Lucy smirked "We'll see about that"

Lucifer decided to ignore her and opened the door gesturing for her to walk in. Lucy raised her eyebrow at the demon but moves her attention to the interior of the mansion as she walked inside. This gave Lucifer a chance to finally get a good look at the girl.

She presented herself as quite a confident person but underneath, if you looked close enough, you could see anxiety and perhaps some other things bubbling underneath the surface. Appearance wise, she was quite attractive in her own way. There was a brown tint to her dark magenta coloured hair which only just reached Lucy's shoulders. One of her azure blue eyes was covered by her fringe. Freckles were dotted across her forehead, nose and cheeks and a dimple could be seen at times. Lucy definitely wasn't short, for a human, more like average height. But compared to Lucifer, Lucy was tiny. It was like comparing a mouse to a cat. When it came down to her body shape, Lucy was currently weating baggy clothing so there's no point in trying to figure that out at this moment in time.

Lucifer sighed and gripped the bridge of his nose.

"Figuring this one out is going to take a lot of effort."

Lucy was still amazed by the mansion. She was only taken out of her trance once Lucifer tapped her on the shoulder.
"It's quite late so i shall introduce you to my brothers tomorrow, you have a week to get settled in and then you'll begin school here which i will explain when it comes to it. Follow me, I'll show you to your room."

Lucy followed Lucifer to where she'll be staying for the next year. It was all a bit nerve wrecking but she tried to push her worries away.

Lucifer opened the door and let Lucy walk in first. Lucy smiled properly for the first time today. The room was gorgeous. There was a general nature aesthetic even the bed post had a wood twisted pattern. Behind the bed was a tree which looked inhuman which makes sense since they are in devildom. On the other side of the room, there's a bookcase full of books she's never in heard of then again Lucy can't read half of it so understandable. Beside the bookcase there's a walk in closet full of clothes.

"There should be something you can wear in there. Barbatos, Diavolo's butler, picked them out and he said they should fit you and he's never wrong."

Lucy gazed inside for a second and decided she'll look at the items of clothing more tomorrow. A large mirror was at the end of the walk in closet. For some reason Lucy shuddered when looking at it. There was a bathroom, located at the opposite end of the room.

"Jesus how big is the room!" thought lucy, smiling to herself.

"I'll be on my way then. Is there anything you want to ask or anything you need before i go?" Lucifer leaned against the door frame and looking slightly agitated

Lucy smiled fakely then shook her head. "I think ill be okay for now, thank you." But in reality she just didn't want to bother the demon any further.

"Okay well one last thing." Lucifer gave her something that looked very similar to a phone. Lucy tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy. "This is a DDD basically our version of phones. It's so you can message anyone if you need anything. Everyone you may need to contact, numbers should be on there but i suggest not messaging any of my brothers until after i introduce you to them all tomorrow. That's all i need to say for now so I'll be going. Goodnight Lucy. "

And with that he left closing the door behind him. Lucy immediately collapsed onto the bed. She was trying to piece together everything that has happened, in such a short period of time as well. It's almost to much to digest.

"There's no use dwelling on it when im so close to passing out from exhaustion." She giggled to herself and then got comfortable before swiftly falling into a deep sleep.

Authors note

So basically this character is like mostly like me so when describing her it wasn't the easiest due to the fact my friend reads this and of i say something bad about myself they won't be very happy with me haha so that's that.

Also im not that great at describing rooms so im sorry if that isn't a great description but apart from that i hope you enjoyed!

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